Source code for

Uses PyVISA_ as the backend to communicate with the equipment.

.. _PyVISA:
from __future__ import annotations

    import pyvisa
except ImportError:
    pyvisa = None

from .config import Config
from .connection import Connection

[docs] class ConnectionPyVISA(Connection): _resource_classes = {} def __init__(self, record): """Uses PyVISA_ to establish a connection to the equipment. The :data:`` value must be equal to :data:`` to use this class for the communication system. This is achieved by setting the value in the **Backend** field for a connection record in the :ref:`connections-database` to be ``PyVISA``. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ self._resource = None super(ConnectionPyVISA, self).__init__(record) rm = ConnectionPyVISA.resource_manager() props = try: val = props['parity'].name.lower() except KeyError: pass else: props['parity'] = self.convert_to_enum(val, pyvisa.constants.Parity) try: val = int(props['stop_bits'].value*10) except KeyError: pass else: props['stop_bits'] = self.convert_to_enum(val, pyvisa.constants.StopBits) # PyVISA requires the read/write termination data type to be str not bytes def ensure_term(term): try: return term.decode() except AttributeError: return term # "termination" is a shortcut used by the MSL backend to set both # write_termination and read_termination to the same value rw_term = props.pop('termination', None) r_term = props.pop('read_termination', rw_term) w_term = props.pop('write_termination', rw_term) if r_term is not None: props['read_termination'] = ensure_term(r_term) if w_term is not None: props['write_termination'] = ensure_term(w_term) # the "timeout" value is in seconds for MSL backend # PyVISA uses a timeout in milliseconds timeout = props.get('timeout') if timeout and timeout < 100: # if timeout < 100 then it's value is probably in seconds props['timeout'] = timeout * 1000 self._resource = rm.open_resource(record.connection.address, **props) self.log_debug('Connected to %s', record.connection) def __getattr__(self, item): attr = getattr(self._resource, item) if callable(attr): def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): return attr(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return attr def __setattr__(self, item, value): if item[0] == '_': # handles all private attributes, like: # self._resource # self._record # self._exception_handler # self._repr # self._str self.__dict__[item] = value else: setattr(self._resource, item, value) def __delattr__(self, item): delattr(self._resource, item) @property def resource(self): """:class:`~pyvisa.resources.Resource`: The PyVISA_ resource that is used for the connection. This is the :class:`~pyvisa.resources.Resource` that would have been returned if you did the following in a script:: import pyvisa rm = pyvisa.ResourceManager() resource = rm.open_resource('ASRL3::INSTR') """ return self._resource
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Calls :meth:`~pyvisa.resources.Resource.close`.""" if self._resource is not None: self._resource.close() self.log_debug('Disconnected from %s', self.equipment_record.connection) self._resource = None
[docs] @staticmethod def resource_manager(visa_library=None): """Return the PyVISA_ :class:`~pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager`. Parameters ---------- visa_library : :class:`~pyvisa.highlevel.VisaLibraryBase` or :class:`str`, optional The library to use for PyVISA_. For example: * ``@ivi`` to use :ref:`IVI <intro-configuring>` * ``@ni`` to use `NI-VISA <>`_ (only supported in PyVISA <1.11) * ``@py`` to use `PyVISA-py <>`_ * ``@sim`` to use `PyVISA-sim <>`_ If :data:`None` then :attr:`~.config.Config.PyVISA_LIBRARY` will be used. Returns ------- :class:`~pyvisa.highlevel.ResourceManager` The PyVISA_ Resource Manager. Raises ------ ValueError If the PyVISA_ backend wrapper cannot be found. OSError If an IVI library cannot be found. """ if pyvisa is None: raise ImportError('pyvisa is not installed. Run: pip install pyvisa') if not ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes: for item in dir(pyvisa.resources): if item.endswith('Instrument'): key = item[:-len('Instrument')] ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes[key] = getattr(pyvisa.resources, item) elif item == 'GPIBInterface': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['GPIB_INTFC'] = pyvisa.resources.GPIBInterface elif item == 'VXIBackplane': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['VXI_BACKPLANE'] = pyvisa.resources.VXIBackplane elif item == 'VXIMemory': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['VXI_MEMACC'] = pyvisa.resources.VXIMemory elif item == 'TCPIPSocket': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['TCPIP_SOCKET'] = pyvisa.resources.TCPIPSocket elif item == 'USBRaw': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['USB_RAW'] = pyvisa.resources.USBRaw elif item == 'PXIMemory': ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['PXI_MEMACC'] = getattr(pyvisa.resources, item) for item in ('COM', 'ASRL', 'LPT1', 'ASRLCOM'): ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes[item] = pyvisa.resources.SerialInstrument if visa_library is None: visa_library = Config.PyVISA_LIBRARY try: return pyvisa.ResourceManager(visa_library) except ValueError as err: # as of PyVISA 1.11 the @ni backend was renamed to @ivi msg = str(err) if msg.endswith('ni'): Config.PyVISA_LIBRARY = '@ivi' return pyvisa.ResourceManager('@ivi') if msg.endswith('ivi'): Config.PyVISA_LIBRARY = '@ni' return pyvisa.ResourceManager('@ni') raise
[docs] @staticmethod def resource_class(record): """Get the PyVISA_ :ref:`Resource class <api_resources>`. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.record_types.EquipmentRecord` or :class:`~.record_types.ConnectionRecord` An equipment or connection record from a :ref:`Database <database-formats>`. Returns ------- A :class:`~pyvisa.resources.Resource` subclass The PyVISA_ Resource class that can open the `record`. """ try: address = record.connection.address except AttributeError: address = record.address if not address: raise ValueError('The ConnectionRecord.address for {} has not been set'.format(record)) rm = ConnectionPyVISA.resource_manager() try: info = rm.resource_info(address, extended=True) return rm._resource_classes[(info.interface_type, info.resource_class)] except: # try to figure out the resource class... a = address.upper() if a.startswith('GPIB') and a.endswith('INTFC'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['GPIB_INTFC'] if a.startswith('VXI') and a.endswith('BACKPLANE'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['VXI_BACKPLANE'] if a.startswith('VXI') and a.endswith('MEMACC'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['VXI_MEMACC'] if a.startswith('TCPIP') and a.endswith('SOCKET'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['TCPIP_SOCKET'] if a.startswith('USB') and a.endswith('RAW'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['USB_RAW'] if a.startswith('PXI') and a.endswith('MEMACC'): return ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes['PXI_MEMACC'] for key, value in ConnectionPyVISA._resource_classes.items(): if a.startswith(key): return value raise ValueError('Cannot find a PyVISA resource class for {}'.format(address))