Base class for equipment that use the HiSLIP communication protocol.
from __future__ import annotations
import socket
from .connection_message_based import ConnectionMessageBased
from .constants import REGEX_TCPIP
from .hislip import AsyncClient
from .hislip import FatalErrorMessage
from .hislip import HiSLIPException
from .hislip import PORT
from .hislip import SyncClient
class ConnectionTCPIPHiSLIP(ConnectionMessageBased):
def __init__(self, record):
"""Base class for equipment that use the HiSLIP communication protocol.
The :attr:`~msl.equipment.record_types.ConnectionRecord.properties`
for a HiSLIP connection supports the following key-value pairs in the
'buffer_size': int, the maximum number of bytes to read at a time [default: 4096]
'encoding': str, the encoding to use [default: 'utf-8']
'encoding_errors': str, encoding error handling scheme, e.g. 'strict', 'ignore' [default: 'strict']
'lock_timeout': float or None, the timeout (in seconds) to wait for a lock [default: 0]
'max_read_size': int, the maximum number of bytes that can be read [default: 1 MB]
'rstrip': bool, whether to remove trailing whitespace from "read" messages [default: False]
'timeout': float or None, the timeout (in seconds) for read and write operations [default: None]
The :data:`~msl.equipment.record_types.ConnectionRecord.backend`
value must be equal to :data:`~msl.equipment.constants.Backend.MSL`
to use this class for the communication system. This is achieved by
setting the value in the **Backend** field for a connection record
in the :ref:`connections-database` to be ``MSL``.
Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the
:meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment.
record : :class:`~.record_types.EquipmentRecord`
A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`.
# the following must be defined before calling super()
self._sync = None
self._async = None
super(ConnectionTCPIPHiSLIP, self).__init__(record)
info = self.parse_address(record.connection.address)
if info is None:
self.raise_exception('Invalid address {!r}'.format(record.connection.address))
# the board number is currently not used
self._host = info['host']
self._name = info['name']
self._port = info['port']
# HiSLIP does not support termination characters
self.write_termination = None
self.read_termination = None
props = record.connection.properties
self._buffer_size = props.get('buffer_size', 4096)
self.lock_timeout = props.get('lock_timeout', 0)
self._maximum_server_message_size = None
self.log_debug('Connected to %s', record.connection)
def _connect(self):
# it is useful to make this method because some subclasses needed to "reconnect"
err_msg = None
# IVI-6.1: IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP)
# 23 April 2020 (Revision 2.0)
# Section 6.1: Initialization Transaction
self._sync = SyncClient(self._host)
self._sync.connect(port=self._port, timeout=self._timeout)
status = self._sync.initialize(sub_address=self._name.encode())
if status.encrypted or status.initial_encryption:
raise RuntimeError('The HiSLIP server requires encryption, '
'this has not been tested yet')
self._async = AsyncClient(self._host)
self._async.connect(port=self._port, timeout=self._timeout)
r = self._async.async_maximum_message_size(self._max_read_size)
self._sync.maximum_server_message_size = r.maximum_message_size
self._async.maximum_server_message_size = r.maximum_message_size
except socket.timeout:
except Exception as e:
err_msg = e.__class__.__name__ + ': ' + str(e)
if err_msg is None:
self.raise_exception('Cannot connect to {}\n{}'.format(self.equipment_record, err_msg))
def _set_backend_timeout(self):
"""Overrides method in ConnectionMessageBased."""
if self._sync is not None:
if self._async is not None:
def host(self):
""":class:`str`: The host (IP address)."""
return self._host
def port(self):
""":class:`int`: The port number."""
return self._port
def asynchronous(self):
""":class:`~msl.equipment.hislip.AsyncClient`: The reference to the asynchronous client."""
return self._async
def synchronous(self):
""":class:`~msl.equipment.hislip.SyncClient`: The reference to the synchronous client."""
return self._sync
def parse_address(address):
"""Parse the address for valid TCPIP HiSLIP fields.
address : :class:`str`
The address of a :class:`~msl.equipment.record_types.ConnectionRecord`.
:class:`dict` or :data:`None`
The board number, hostname, LAN device name, and HiSLIP port number
of the device or :data:`None` if `address` is not valid for a TCPIP
HiSLIP connection.
match = REGEX_TCPIP.match(address)
if not match:
d = match.groupdict()
if not d['name'] or not d['name'].lower().startswith('hislip'):
if not d['board']:
d['board'] = '0'
name_split = d['name'].split(',')
if len(name_split) > 1:
d['name'] = name_split[0]
d['port'] = int(name_split[1])
except ValueError:
d['port'] = PORT
return d
def max_read_size(self):
""":class:`int`: The maximum number of bytes that can be
# Overrides property in ConnectionMessageBased.
return self._max_read_size
def max_read_size(self, size):
self._max_read_size = int(size)
if self._sync is None or self._async is None:
r = self._async.async_maximum_message_size(self._max_read_size)
self._sync.maximum_server_message_size = r.maximum_message_size
self._async.maximum_server_message_size = r.maximum_message_size
def lock_timeout(self):
""":class:`float`: The time, in seconds, to wait to acquire a lock."""
return self._lock_timeout
def lock_timeout(self, value):
if value is None or value < 0:
# use 1 day as equivalent to "wait forever for a lock"
self._lock_timeout = 86400.0
self._lock_timeout = float(value)
def disconnect(self):
"""Close the connection to the HiSLIP server."""
if self._async is not None:
self._async = None
if self._sync is not None:
self._sync = None
self.log_debug('Disconnected from %s', self.equipment_record.connection)
def _read(self, size):
"""Overrides method in ConnectionMessageBased."""
return self._sync.receive(size=size, max_size=self._max_read_size,
except HiSLIPException as e:
# IVI-6.1: IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP)
# 23 April 2020 (Revision 2.0)
# Section 6.2: Fatal Error Detection and Synchronization Recovery
# If the error is detected by the client, after sending the FatalError
# messages it shall close the HiSLIP connection
except Exception as e:
msg = FatalErrorMessage(payload=str(e).encode('ascii'))
def reconnect(self, max_attempts=1):
"""Reconnect to the equipment.
max_attempts : :class:`int`, optional
The maximum number of attempts to try to reconnect with the
equipment. If < 1 or :data:`None` then keep trying until a
connection is successful. If the maximum number of attempts
has been reached then an exception is raise.
if max_attempts is None:
max_attempts = -1
attempt = 0
while True:
attempt += 1
return self._connect()
if 0 < max_attempts <= attempt:
def _send_fatal_error(self, message):
# IVI-6.1: IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP)
# 23 April 2020 (Revision 2.0)
# Section 6.2: Fatal Error Detection and Synchronization Recovery
# If the error is detected by the client, after sending the FatalError
# messages it shall close the HiSLIP connection
def _write(self, message):
"""Overrides method in ConnectionMessageBased."""
return self._sync.send(message)
except HiSLIPException as e:
except Exception as e:
msg = FatalErrorMessage(payload=str(e).encode('ascii'))
def read_stb(self):
"""Read the status byte from the device.
The status byte.
reply = self._async.async_status_query(self._sync)
return reply.status
def trigger(self):
"""Send the trigger message (emulates a GPIB Group Execute Trigger event)."""
def clear(self):
"""Send the `clear` command to the device."""
# IVI-6.1: IVI High-Speed LAN Instrument Protocol (HiSLIP)
# 23 April 2020 (Revision 2.0)
# Section 6.12: Device Clear Transaction
# This Connection class does not use the asynchronous client in an
# asynchronous manner, therefore there should not be any pending
# requests that need to be waited on to finish
acknowledged = self._async.async_device_clear()
def lock(self, lock_string=''):
"""Acquire the device's lock.
lock_string : :class:`str`, optional
An ASCII string that identifies this lock. If not specified, then
an exclusive lock is requested, otherwise the string indicates an
identification of a shared-lock request.
Whether acquiring the lock was successful.
status = self._async.async_lock_request(
timeout=self._lock_timeout, lock_string=lock_string)
return status.success
def unlock(self):
"""Release the lock acquired by :meth:`.lock`.
Whether releasing the lock was successful.
status = self._async.async_lock_release(self._sync.message_id)
return status.success
def lock_status(self):
"""Request the lock status from the HiSLIP server.
Whether the HiSLIP server has an exclusive lock with a client.
The number of HiSLIP clients that have a lock with the HiSLIP server.
reply = self._async.async_lock_info()
return reply.is_exclusive, reply.num_locks
def remote_local_control(self, request):
"""Send a GPIB-like remote/local control request.
request : :class:`int`
The request to perform.
* 0 -- Disable remote, `VI_GPIB_REN_DEASSERT`
* 1 -- Enable remote, `VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT`
* 2 -- Disable remote and go to local, `VI_GPIB_REN_DEASSERT_GTL`
* 3 -- Enable Remote and go to remote, `VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS`
* 4 -- Enable remote and lock out local, `VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_LLO`
* 5 -- Enable remote, go to remote, and set local lockout, `VI_GPIB_REN_ASSERT_ADDRESS_LLO`
* 6 -- go to local without changing REN or lockout state, `VI_GPIB_REN_ADDRESS_GTL`
self._async.async_remote_local_control(request, self._sync.message_id)