Source code for

Establishes a connection to the Switched Integrator Amplifier
(SIA3 board) that is designed by the `Czech Metrology Institute`_.

.. _Czech Metrology Institute:
from __future__ import annotations

from enum import IntEnum

from import ConnectionSerial
from import CMIError
from import register

[docs] class IntegrationTime(IntEnum): """The amount of time to integrate the photo-diode signal.""" TIME_50u = 5 TIME_100u = 6 TIME_1m = 7 TIME_10m = 8 TIME_20m = 9 TIME_100m = 10 TIME_200m = 11 TIME_500m = 12 TIME_1 = 13 TIME_2 = 14
[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'C.*M.*I', model=r'SIA3') class SIA3(ConnectionSerial): GAIN = IntegrationTime #: The gain (i.e., the integration time) def __init__(self, record): """ Establishes a connection to the Switched Integrator Amplifier (SIA3 board) that is designed by the `Czech Metrology Institute`_. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. .. _Czech Metrology Institute: Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ if not # then use the default connection properties = { 'baud_rate': 14400, 'termination': None, 'timeout': 10.0, } super(SIA3, self).__init__(record) self.set_exception_class(CMIError)
[docs] def set_integration_time(self, time): """Set the integration time (i.e., the gain). Parameters ---------- time : :class:`.IntegrationTime` The integration time as a :class:`.IntegrationTime` enum value or member name, e.g., ``sia.set_integration_time('10m')``, ``sia.set_integration_time(sia.GAIN.TIME_10m)`` and ``sia.set_integration_time(8)`` are all equivalent statements. """ self._send_byte(7) self._send_byte(self.convert_to_enum(time, IntegrationTime, prefix='TIME_'))
[docs] def set_ps(self, ps): """Set the timer pre-scale value. The timer pre-scale value divides the microprocessor internal frequency by something similar to 2^PS. Therefore, to reach a 2-second integration time the `ps` value must be set to the maximum value of 7. Parameters ---------- ps : :class:`int` The timer pre-scale value. Must be in the range [0, 7]. Raises ------ ValueError If the value of `ps` is invalid. """ _ps = int(ps) if _ps < 0 or _ps > 7: raise ValueError('Invalid PS value of {}. Must be 0 <= PS <= 7.'.format(ps)) self._send_byte(1) self._send_byte(4) self._send_byte(_ps) self._send_byte(_ps)
def _send_byte(self, byte): self.write(chr(byte))