Source code for

Establishes a connection to the ``DATARAYOCX`` library developed by DataRay Inc.
from __future__ import annotations

import os

import numpy as np
from msl.loadlib import Client64
from msl.loadlib import ConnectionTimeoutError
from msl.loadlib import Server32Error

from import Connection
from import DataRayError
from import register

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'Data\s*Ray', model=r'.') class DataRayOCX64(Connection): def __init__(self, record): """A wrapper around the :class:`~.datarayocx_32.DataRayOCX32` class. This class can be used with either a 32- or 64-bit Python interpreter to call the 32-bit functions in the ``DATARAYOCX`` library. A GUI is created to configure and visualize the images taken by the camera. Tested with the WinCamD-LCM-8.0D36 software version. The :attr:`` for a DataRay connection supports the following key-value pairs in the :ref:`connections-database`:: 'area_filter': int, area filter: 1=1pixel, 2=3pixels, 3=5pixels, 4=7pixels, 5=9pixels [default: 1] 'camera_index': int, the camera to use (between 0 and 7; 0=first camera found) [default: 0] 'centroid_method': int, the centroid method to use (0, 1 or 2) [default: 0] 'filter': float, percent full scale filter (0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5 or 10) [default: 0.2] 'major_minor_method': int, the major/minor method to use (0, 1 or 2) [default: 0] 'ui_size': int, the size of the User Interface (value=height of a button in pixels) [default: 25] Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ super(DataRayOCX64, self).__init__(record) self.set_exception_class(DataRayError) self._client = None error = None try: self._client = Client64( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''), prog_id_prefix=record.connection.address[5:], ** ) except ConnectionTimeoutError as err: error = err.reason # check for errors instantiating the DataRayOCX32 class if error: self.raise_exception( 'Cannot connect to the DataRay Beam Profiler.\n{}'.format(error) ) # check for errors starting the camera error = self._client.request32('error') if error: self.disconnect() self.raise_exception('Error initializing the DataRay OCX library\n{}'.format(error)) self.log_debug('Connected to %s', record.connection)
[docs] def wait_to_configure(self): """Wait until the camera has been configured. This is a blocking call and waits until you close the popup Window. """ self.log_debug('DataRayOCX64.wait_to_configure()') self._client.request32('wait_to_configure')
[docs] def capture(self, timeout=10, restart=False): """Capture an image. Parameters ---------- timeout : :class:`float`, optional The maximum number of seconds to wait to capture an image. restart : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to keep the camera running after the image is captured. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The information about the captured image. The key-value pairs are: * ``adc_peak_%``: :class:`float`, the maximum ADC value (as a percentage) * ``area_filter``: :class:`int`, area filtering applies a convolution to the pixels (1=1pixel, 2=3pixels, 3=5pixels, 4=7pixels, 5=9pixels) * ``centroid``: :class:`tuple`, the (x, y) centroid value * ``centroid_filter_size``: :class:`int`, centroid filter size (in pixels) * ``centroid_type``: :class:`int`, the centroid type (0, 1 or 2) * ``clip_level_centroid``: :class:`float`, the centroid clip level (between 0 and 1) * ``clip_level_geo``: :class:`float`, the geometric clip level (between 0 and 1) * ``crosshair``: :class:`float`, the angle between the horizontal x-axis and the solid crosshair line (in degrees) * ``eff_2w``: :class:`float`, the effective beam size (in um) * ``effective_centroid``: :class:`tuple`, the effective (x, y) centroid value * ``effective_geo_centroid``: :class:`tuple`, the effective (x, y) geometric centroid value * ``ellip``: :class:`float`, the ratio between the minor/major axis * ``elp``: :class:`float`, the beam azimutal angle for ISO 11146 (in degrees) * ``exposure_time``: :class:`float`, the exposure time (in ms) * ``filter_full_scale``: :class:`float`, used in the triangular weighting smoothing function * ``image``: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, the camera image * ``image_zoom``: :class:`float`, the zoom factor of the image * ``imager_gain``: :class:`float`, the gain used by the imager * ``inc_p``: :class:`float`, Dxx power (in Watts) * ``inc_power_area``: :class:`float`, Dxx beam area (in mm^2) * ``inc_power_major``: :class:`float`, Dxx beam diameter along the major axis (in mm) * ``inc_power_mean``: :class:`float`, Dxx mean beam diameter (in mm) * ``inc_power_minor``: :class:`float`, Dxx beam diameter along the minor axis (in mm) * ``is_fast_update``: :class:`bool`, whether the camera is in fast update or normal mode * ``is_full_resolution``: :class:`bool`, whether the camera is set to full resolution * ``maj_iso``: :class:`float`, the ISO 11146 beam size along the major axis (in um) * ``major``: :class:`float`, the beam size along the major axis (in um) * ``major_minor_method``: :class:`int`, the major/minor method used (0, 1 or 2) * ``mean``: :class:`float`, the mean beam size (in um) * ``mean_theta``: :class:`float`, Dxx mean angle (in mrad) * ``min_iso``: :class:`float`, the ISO 11146 beam size along the minor axis (in um) * ``minor``: :class:`float`, the beam size along the minor axis (in um) * ``num_averages``: :class:`int`, the number of averages per capture * ``num_captures``: :class:`int`, the number of images that have been captured * ``orient``: :class:`float`, the angle between the horizontal x-axis and the major or minor axis closest to the horizontal x-axis (in degrees) * ``peak``: :class:`tuple`, the peak location in (x, y), usually zero * ``pixel_width_um``: :class:`float`, the width of a pixel (in um) * ``pixel_height_um``: :class:`float`, the height of a pixel (in um) * ``pk_to_avg``: :class:`float`, the peak to average value * ``plateau_uniformity``: :class:`float`, the flatness of the plateau (between 0 and 1) * ``profile_x``: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, the profile in the X direction * ``profile_y``: :class:`numpy.ndarray`, the profile in the Y direction * ``roi``: :class:`tuple`, the selected region of interest (x, y, width, height) * ``xc``: :class:`float`, the centroid position along the x axis (in um) * ``xg``: :class:`float`, the geometric centroid position along the x axis (in um) * ``xp``: :class:`float`, the peak-intensity centroid position along the x axis (in um) * ``xu``: :class:`float`, the user-selected centroid position along the x axis (in um) * ``yc``: :class:`float`, the centroid position along the y axis (in um) * ``yg``: :class:`float`, the geometric centroid position along the y axis (in um) * ``yp``: :class:`float`, the peak-intensity centroid position along the y axis (in um) * ``yu``: :class:`float`, the user-selected centroid position along the y axis (in um) Raises ------ If not successful. """ self.log_debug('DataRayOCX64.capture(timeout=%s)', timeout) info = {} error = None try: info = self._client.request32('capture', timeout) except Server32Error as err: error = err # TODO avoid raising nested exceptions in Python 2.7 if error: self.raise_exception(error) shape = info.pop('shape') if not info['is_full_resolution']: shape = (shape[0]//2, shape[1]//2) info['image'] = np.asarray(info['image']).reshape(shape) info['profile_x'] = np.asarray(info['profile_x'])[:shape[1]] info['profile_y'] = np.asarray(info['profile_y'])[:shape[0]] if restart: self.start() return info
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect from the camera.""" if not self._client: return try: stdout, stderr = self._client.shutdown_server32() stdout.close() stderr.close() except: pass self._client = None self.log_debug('Disconnected from %s', self.equipment_record.connection)
[docs] def start(self): """Start the camera.""" self.log_debug('DataRayOCX64.start()') try: return self._client.request32('start') except Server32Error as err: error = err # TODO avoid raising nested exceptions in Python 2.7 self.raise_exception(error)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop the camera.""" self.log_debug('DataRayOCX64.stop()') try: return self._client.request32('stop') except Server32Error as err: error = err # TODO avoid raising nested exceptions in Python 2.7 self.raise_exception(error)