Source code for

IsoTech milliK Precision Thermometer, with any number of connected millisKanners
from __future__ import annotations

import re
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from import EquipmentRecord
from import register
from import IsoTechError
from import ConnectionSerial
from import ConnectionSocket
from import Interface

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'Iso.*Tech.*', model=r'milli.*K.*', flags=re.IGNORECASE) class MilliK: def __new__(cls, record: EquipmentRecord) -> ConnectionSerial | ConnectionSocket: """Establishes a connection to an IsoTech MilliK Precision Thermometer for different interfaces: * :obj:`.Interface.SERIAL` * :obj:`.Interface.SOCKET` Note that millisKanners only have an RS232 serial interface. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. :param record: A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ interface = record.connection.interface if interface == Interface.SOCKET: base = ConnectionSocket elif interface == Interface.SERIAL: base = ConnectionSerial else: raise IsoTechError(f"Unknown interface for connection for {record.connection.interface}") dict_ = dict((k, v) for k, v in vars(cls).items() if not k.startswith('__')) type_ = type(cls.__name__, (base,), dict_) instance = type_(record) instance.set_exception_class(IsoTechError) instance.rstrip = True instance.read_termination = '\r' instance.write_termination = '\r' instance.write('millik:remote') # use REMOTE mode to speed up communications instance._connected_devices, instance._num_devices, instance._channel_numbers = _find_channel_numbers(instance) instance.channel_configuration = {} """A list of configured channel numbers with their measurement mode, range, current, and wiring settings.""" return instance @property def connected_devices(self) -> list[str]: """A list of information about the connected devices (manufacturer, model, serial number, firmware version), e.g. ['Isothermal Technology,millisKanner,21-P2593,2.01', 'Isothermal Technology,milliK,21-P2460,4.0.0']. """ # These are the strings that would be returned from each instrument by the *IDN? command return self._connected_devices @property def num_devices(self) -> int: """The number of connected devices.""" return self._num_devices @property def channel_numbers(self) -> list[int]: """A list of available channel numbers, e.g. [1, 2] for a single milliK, or [1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] for a milliK connected to a single millisKanner, etc. """ return self._channel_numbers
[docs] def configure_resistance_measurement(self, channel: int, meas_range: float, *, norm: bool = True, fourwire: bool = True)\ -> None: r"""Configure the milliK to measure resistance for the specified channel. :param channel: The channel to configure for resistance measurement. :param meas_range: The measurement range in ohms. Selects from 115 Ohms, 460 Ohms and 500 kOhms. :param norm: The sense current to use for measurement. Defaults to use normal (1 mA) sense current, unless False in which case it uses root2*1 mA to determine self-heating effects. Thermistors always use 2 μA. :param fourwire: The wiring arrangement eg 3 or 4 wire. """ if channel not in self.channel_numbers: self.raise_exception(f"Channel {channel} is not available in the current measurement setup") current = 'NORM' if norm else 'ROOT2' wire = 4 if fourwire else 3 message = f'sens:chan {channel};sens:res:rang {meas_range};sens:curr {current};sens:res:wir {wire}' self.write(message) channel_set = self.query('sens:chan?') assert int(channel_set) == channel range_set = self.query('sens:res:rang?') if range_set == 'Error: Invalid range': self.raise_exception(range_set) assert float(range_set) >= float(meas_range) current_set = float(self.query('sens:curr?')) wire_set = int(self.query('sens:res:wir?')) assert wire_set == wire self.log_info(f'milliK Channel {channel} set to use {range_set} Ohms, {current_set} A, and {wire_set}-wire configuration') self.channel_configuration[channel] = ['resistance', meas_range, current, wire]
[docs] def read_channel(self, channel: int, n: int = 1) -> float | list[float]: """Initiate and report a measurement using the conditions defined by :meth:`.configure_resistance_measurement`. :param channel: The channel to read. :param n: The number of readings to make. :return: A list of n readings, or a single float value if only one reading is requested. """ if channel not in self.channel_configuration: self.raise_exception(f"Please first configure channel {channel} before attempting to read values") # TODO assuming resistance for now; voltage or current measurement will need a different call. mode, meas_range, current, wire = self.channel_configuration[channel] assert mode == 'resistance' readings = [float(self.query(f'meas:res{channel}? {meas_range},{current}, {wire}')) for _ in range(n)] if len(readings) == 1: return readings[0] return readings
[docs] def read_all_channels(self, n: int = 1) -> tuple[list[int], list[float]]: """Read from all configured channels using the conditions defined by :meth:`.configure_resistance_measurement`. :param n: The number of readings to average for each returned value. :return: A tuple of lists of channel numbers and readings from all configured channels. """ channels = sorted(self.channel_configuration) results = [] for c in channels: readings = self.read_channel(c, n) if n == 1: # readings is a single float value results.append(readings) else: # average multiple readings results.append(sum(readings)/len(readings)) return channels, results
[docs] def disconnect(self) -> None: """Return the milliK device to LOCAL mode before disconnecting from the device.""" try: if self.serial.is_open: self.write('millik:local') self.serial.close() self.log_debug('Disconnected from %s', self.equipment_record.connection) except AttributeError: if self.socket is not None: self.write('millik:local') self.socket.close() self.log_debug('Disconnected from %s', self.equipment_record.connection) self._socket = None
def _find_channel_numbers(instance) -> tuple[list[str], int, list[int]]: """Find the number of millisKanners connected, if any, and hence the valid channel numbers. Up to 4 millisKanners can be connected to a single milliK. Returns a list of the :attr:`.connected_devices`, an integer for :attr:`.num_devices`, and a list of the :attr:`.channel_numbers`. """ num_devices = 1 channel_numbers = [1, 2] connected_devices = [instance.query('mill:list?')] # returns only first line of string response while 'milliK' not in connected_devices[-1].split(','): # the last device will be the milliK connected_devices.append( channel_numbers += list(range(num_devices*10, num_devices*10+8)) num_devices += 1 if num_devices > 1: channel_numbers.pop(1) # removes channel 2 which is used to connect to the millisKanner daisy-chain return connected_devices, num_devices, channel_numbers