Source code for

Flow and Pressure controller, PR4000B, from MKS Instruments.
from __future__ import annotations

import re

from import ConnectionSerial
from import MKSInstrumentsError
from import register

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'^MKS', model=r'PR4000B', flags=re.IGNORECASE) class PR4000B(ConnectionSerial): ERROR_CODES = { '#E010': 'Syntax Error', '#E020': 'Failed to execute command', '#E001': 'Communication Error', '#E002': 'ADC Overflow or Underflow', '#E003': 'Range Error, Setpoint < 0 or out of range', '#W001': 'Offset > 250 mV' } UNITS = { 0: 'ubar', 1: 'mbar', 2: 'bar', 3: 'mTor', 4: 'Torr', 5: 'KTor', 6: 'Pa', 7: 'kPa', 8: 'mH2O', 9: 'cH2O', 10: 'PSI', 11: 'N/qm', 12: 'SCCM', 13: 'SLM', 14: 'SCM', 15: 'SCFH', 16: 'SCFM', 17: 'mA', 18: 'V', 19: '%', 20: 'C' } SIGNAL_MODES = { 0: 'METER', 1: 'OFF', 2: 'INDEP', 3: 'EXTRN', 4: 'SLAVE', 5: 'RTD' } LIMIT_MODES = { 0: 'SLEEP', 1: 'LIMIT', 2: 'BAND', 3: 'MLIMIT', 4: 'MBAND' } TAGS = { 0: 'SP', 1: 'VA', 2: 'CH', 3: 'FL', 4: 'PR', 5: 'EX' } def __init__(self, record): """Flow and Pressure controller, PR4000B, from MKS Instruments. The default settings for the RS232 connection are: * Baud rate = 9600 * Data bits = 7 * Stop bits = 1 * Parity = ODD * Flow control = None The baud rate and parity can be changed on the controller. The data bits, stop bits, and flow control cannot be changed. A null modem (cross over) cable is required when using a USB to RS232 converter. RS485 support is not implemented. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ super(PR4000B, self).__init__(record) self.set_exception_class(MKSInstrumentsError) def _check(self, reply): """Check a reply for an error. Parameters ---------- reply : :class:`str` The reply to check. Returns ------- :class:`str` The reply if the there was no error, otherwise raises an exception. """ if reply.startswith('#'): msg = self.ERROR_CODES.get(reply, 'Undefined error code') self.raise_exception('{}: {}'.format(reply, msg)) return reply def _check_channel(self, channel): if channel < 1 or channel > 2: self.raise_exception('Invalid channel {}'.format(channel)) def _get_index_from_value(self, string, dictionary): string_lower = string.lower() for key, value in dictionary.items(): if value.lower() == string_lower: return key
[docs] def auto_zero(self, channel): """Auto zero a channel Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The offset. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('AZ{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def default(self, mode): """Reset to the default configuration. Parameters ---------- mode : :class:`str` The mode to reset. One of ``Pressure``, ``Flow``, ``P`` or ``F`` (case insensitive). """ upper = mode.upper() if upper not in ['P', 'F', 'PRESSURE', 'FLOW']: self.raise_exception('Invalid default mode {!r}, must one of: Pressure, Flow, P or F'.format(mode)) self._check(self.query('DF,{}'.format(upper[0])))
[docs] def displays_enable(self, display, enable): """Turn a display on or off. Parameters ---------- display : :class:`int` The display number [1, 4]. enable : :class:`bool` Whether to turn the display on, :data:`True`, or off, :data:`False`. """ if display < 1 or display > 4: self.raise_exception('Invalid display number {}, must be between [1, 4]'.format(display)) state = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('DP{},{}'.format(display, state)))
[docs] def displays_setup(self, display, line, tag, channel): """Configure a display. Parameters ---------- display : :class:`int` The display number [1, 4]. line : :class:`int` The line number, 1 or 2. tag : :class:`int` or :class:`str` The tag to use (0=SP, 1=VA, 2=CH, 3=FL, 4=PR, 5=EX). For example, setting tag to 4 or ``'PR'`` are equivalent. channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. """ if display < 1 or display > 4: self.raise_exception('Invalid display number {}, must be between [1, 4]'.format(display)) if line < 1 or line > 2: self.raise_exception('Invalid line number {}, must be 1 or 2'.format(line)) self._check_channel(channel) if isinstance(tag, str): index = self._get_index_from_value(tag, self.TAGS) if index is None: self.raise_exception('Invalid tag {!r}'.format(tag)) else: index = int(tag) self._check(self.query('DP{},{},{},{}'.format(display, line, index, channel)))
[docs] def display_4(self, enable): """Whether to enable or disable display 4. Parameters ---------- enable : :class:`bool` Whether to enable or disable display 4. """ state = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('DP4,{}'.format(state)))
[docs] def external_input(self, channel): """Return the external input of a channel Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The external input. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('EX{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_access_channel(self, channel): """Get the setpoint and the state of the valve of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The setpoint value. :class:`bool` Whether the valve is on, :data:`True`, or off, :data:`False`. """ self._check_channel(channel) split = self.query('?AC{}'.format(channel)).rstrip().split(',') return float(split[0]), split[1] == 'ON'
[docs] def get_actual_value(self, channel): """Get the actual value of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The value. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('AV{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_address(self): """Get the address. Returns ------- :class:`int` The address. """ return int(self.query('?AD'))
[docs] def get_dead_band(self, channel): """Get the dead band of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The dead band. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('?DB{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_dialog(self): """Get the current dialog index that is displayed. Returns ------- :class:`int` The dialog index. """ return int(self.query('?DG'))
[docs] def get_display_text(self): """Get the display text. Returns ------- :class:`str` The display text. """ return self.query('?DT').rstrip()
[docs] def get_external_input_range(self, channel): """Get the external input range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The external input range. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?EI{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_external_output_range(self, channel): """Get the external output range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The external output range. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?EO{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_formula_relay(self, channel): """Get the relay formula of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`str` The formula. """ self._check_channel(channel) return self.query('?FR{}'.format(channel)).strip()
[docs] def get_formula_temporary(self, channel): """Get the temporary formula of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`str` The formula. """ self._check_channel(channel) return self.query('?FT{}'.format(channel)).strip()
[docs] def get_gain(self, channel): """Get the gain of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The gain. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('?GN{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_input_range(self, channel): """Get the input range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The input range. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?IN{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_interface_mode(self): """Get the interface mode. Returns ------- :class:`int` The interface mode. """ return int(self.query('?IM'))
[docs] def get_limit_mode(self, channel): """Get the limit mode of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The index of the limit mode. :class:`str` The name of the limit mode. """ self._check_channel(channel) mode = int(self.query('?LM{}'.format(channel))) return mode, self.LIMIT_MODES[mode]
[docs] def get_linearization_point(self, channel, point): """Get the point in the linearization table of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. point : :class:`int` The point in the table [0, 10]. Returns ------- :class:`float` The x value. :class:`float` The y value. """ self._check_channel(channel) if point < 0 or point > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid point {}, must be between [0, 10]'.format(point)) split = self.query('?LN{},{}'.format(channel, point)).split(',') return float(split[0]), float(split[1])
[docs] def get_linearization_size(self, channel): """Get the size of the linearization table of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The size of the table. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?LS{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_lower_limit(self, channel): """Get the lower limit of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The lower limit. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('?LL{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_offset(self, channel): """Get the offset of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The offset. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?OF{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_output_range(self, channel): """Get the output range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The output range. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?OT{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_range(self, channel): """Get the range and unit of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The range. :class:`int` The unit index. :class:`str` The unit name. """ self._check_channel(channel) split = self.query('?RG{}'.format(channel)).rstrip().split(',') unit = int(split[1]) return float(split[0]), unit, self.UNITS[unit]
[docs] def get_relays(self, channel): """Get the relay state of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the relay is enabled or disabled. """ self._check_channel(channel) return self.query('?RL{}'.format(channel)).rstrip() == 'ON'
[docs] def get_remote_mode(self): """Get the remote operation mode. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the remote operation mode is enabled, :data:`True`, or disabled, :data:`False`. """ return self.query('?RT').rstrip() == 'ON'
[docs] def get_resolution(self): """Get whether 16-bit resolution is enabled. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether 16-bit resolution is enabled, :data:`True`, or disabled, :data:`False`. """ return self.query('?RS').rstrip() == 'ON'
[docs] def get_rtd_offset(self, channel): """Get the RTD offset of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The offset. """ self._check_channel(channel) return int(self.query('?RO{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_scale(self, channel): """Get the scale of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The scale. """ return float(self.query('?SC{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_setpoint(self, channel): """Get the setpoint of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The setpoint. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('?SP{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_signal_mode(self, channel): """Get the signal mode of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`int` The index number of the signal mode. :class:`str` The name of the signal mode. """ self._check_channel(channel) mode = int(self.query('?SM{}'.format(channel))) return mode, self.SIGNAL_MODES[mode]
[docs] def get_upper_limit(self, channel): """Get the upper limit of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`float` The upper limit. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('?UL{}'.format(channel)))
[docs] def get_valves(self, channel): """Get the state of the valve of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. Returns ------- :class:`bool` Whether the valve is enabled or disabled. """ self._check_channel(channel) return self.query('?VL{}'.format(channel)).rstrip() == 'ON'
[docs] def identity(self): """Returns the identity. Returns ------- :class:`str` The identity (e.g., ``PR42vvrrsssss``, where vv is the version, rr is the release and sssss is the serial number). """ return self.query('?ID')
[docs] def lock(self): """Lock setup.""" self._check(self.query('#1'))
[docs] def request_key(self): """Requests most recent key that was pressed. Returns ------- :class:`int` The key that was most recently pressed. :class:`int` The number of key presses that occurred since the last time this method was called. """ split = self.query('?KY').split(',') return int(split[0]), int(split[1])
[docs] def reset_status(self): """Send the reset/status command.""" self._check(self.query('RE'))
[docs] def set_access_channel(self, channel, setpoint, valve): """Set the setpoint and the state of the valve for a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. setpoint : :class:`float` The setpoint value. valve : :class:`bool` Whether to enable or disable the valve. Returns ------- :class:`float` The actual setpoint value. """ self._check_channel(channel) state = 'ON' if valve else 'OFF' return float(self._check(self.query('AC{},{},{}'.format(channel, setpoint, state))))
[docs] def set_actual_value(self, channel, setpoint): """Set the actual value of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. setpoint : :class:`float` The setpoint. Returns ------- :class:`float` The actual value. """ self._check_channel(channel) return float(self.query('AV{},{}'.format(channel, setpoint)))
[docs] def set_address(self, address): """Set the address. Parameters ---------- address : :class:`int` The address [0, 31]. """ if address < 0 or address > 31: self.raise_exception('Invalid address {}, must be between [0, 31]'.format(address)) self._check(self.query('AD,{}'.format(address)))
[docs] def set_dead_band(self, channel, band): """Set the dead band of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. band : :class:`float` The dead band [0.0% to 9.9% of full scale]. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('DB{},{}'.format(channel, band)))
[docs] def set_dialog(self, index): """Set the display dialog. Parameters ---------- index : :class:`int` The dialog index (between 0 and 29 inclusive). See Appendix D of the manual for more information. """ if index < 0 or index > 29: self.raise_exception('Invalid dialog index {}, must be in the range [0, 29]'.format(index)) self._check(self.query('DG,{}'.format(index)))
[docs] def set_display_text(self, text, clear=True): """Set the display text. To view the text on the display you must call :meth:`.set_dialog` with the index equal to 3. Parameters ---------- text : :class:`str` The text to display. Maximum 32 characters. clear : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to clear the current display text before setting the new text. """ if len(text) > 32: self.raise_exception('The display text must be <= 32 characters, got {!r}'.format(text)) if clear: self._check(self.query('!DT')) self._check(self.query('DT,{}'.format(text)))
[docs] def set_external_input_range(self, channel, range): """Set the external input range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. range : :class:`int` The external input range [1, 10] in Volts. """ self._check_channel(channel) if range < 1 or range > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid external input range {}'.format(range)) self._check(self.query('EI{},{}'.format(channel, range)))
[docs] def set_external_output_range(self, channel, range): """Set the external output range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. range : :class:`int` The external output range [1, 10] in Volts. """ self._check_channel(channel) if range < 1 or range > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid external output range {}'.format(range)) self._check(self.query('EO{},{}'.format(channel, range)))
[docs] def set_formula_relay(self, channel, formula): """Set the relay formula of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. formula : :class:`str` The relay formula. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('FR{},{}'.format(channel, formula)))
[docs] def set_formula_temporary(self, channel, formula): """Set the temporary formula of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. formula : :class:`str` The temporary formula. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('FT{},{}'.format(channel, formula)))
[docs] def set_gain(self, channel, gain): """Set the gain of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. gain : :class:`float` The gain [0.001, 2.000]. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('GN{},{}'.format(channel, gain)))
[docs] def set_input_range(self, channel, range): """Set the input range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. range : :class:`int` The input range [1, 10] in Volts. """ self._check_channel(channel) if range < 1 or range > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid input range {}'.format(range)) self._check(self.query('IN{},{}'.format(channel, range)))
[docs] def set_interface_mode(self, mode): """Set the interface mode. Parameters ---------- mode : :class:`int` The interface mode. """ self._check(self.query('IM,{}'.format(mode)))
[docs] def set_limit_mode(self, channel, mode): """Set the limit mode of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. mode : :class:`int` or :class:`str` The limit mode as either an index number [0, 4] or a name (e.g., ``SLEEP``). """ self._check_channel(channel) if isinstance(mode, str): index = self._get_index_from_value(mode, self.LIMIT_MODES) if index is None: self.raise_exception('Invalid limit mode {!r}'.format(mode)) else: index = int(mode) if index < 0 or index > 4: self.raise_exception('Invalid limit mode index {}, must be between [0, 4]'.format(index)) self._check(self.query('LM{},{}'.format(channel, index)))
[docs] def set_linearization_point(self, channel, point, x, y): """Set a point in the linearization table of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. point : :class:`int` The point in the table [0, 10]. x : :class:`float` The x value [-5% to 100% of full scale]. y : :class:`float` The y value [-5% to 100% of full scale]. """ self._check_channel(channel) if point < 0 or point > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid point {}, must be between [0, 10]'.format(point)) self._check(self.query('LN{},{},{},{}'.format(channel, point, x, y)))
[docs] def set_linearization_size(self, channel, size): """Set the size of the linearization table of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. size : :class:`int` The size of the table. """ self._check_channel(channel) if size < 0 or size > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid size {}, must be between [0, 10]'.format(size)) self._check(self.query('LS{},{}'.format(channel, size)))
[docs] def set_lower_limit(self, channel, limit): """Set the lower limit of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. limit : :class:`float` The lower limit [-5% to 110% of full scale]. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('LL{},{}'.format(channel, limit)))
[docs] def set_offset(self, channel, offset): """Set the offset of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. offset : :class:`int` The offset [-250, 250]. """ self._check_channel(channel) if offset < -250 or offset > 250: self.raise_exception('Invalid offset {}, must be between [-250, 250]'.format(offset)) self._check(self.query('OF{},{}'.format(channel, offset)))
[docs] def set_output_range(self, channel, range): """Set the output range of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. range : :class:`int` The output range [1, 10] in Volts. """ self._check_channel(channel) if range < 1 or range > 10: self.raise_exception('Invalid output range {}'.format(range)) self._check(self.query('OT{},{}'.format(channel, range)))
[docs] def set_range(self, channel, range, unit): """Set the range and unit of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. range : :class:`float` The range value. unit : :class:`int` or :class:`str` The unit as either an index number [0, 20] or a name (e.g., ``kPa``). """ self._check_channel(channel) if isinstance(unit, str): index = self._get_index_from_value(unit, self.UNITS) if index is None: self.raise_exception('Invalid unit {!r}'.format(unit)) else: index = int(unit) if index < 0 or index > 20: self.raise_exception('Invalid unit index {}, must be between [0, 20]'.format(index)) self._check(self.query('RG{},{},{}'.format(channel, range, index)))
[docs] def set_relays(self, channel, enable): """Set the relay state of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. enable : :class:`bool` Whether to enable or disable the relay. """ self._check_channel(channel) state = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('RL{},{}'.format(channel, state)))
[docs] def set_remote_mode(self, enable): """Set the remote operation mode to be enable or disabled. Parameters ---------- enable : :class:`bool` Whether to enable or disable remote operation. """ mode = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('RT,{}'.format(mode)))
[docs] def set_resolution(self, enable): """Set the 16-bit resolution to be enable or disabled. Parameters ---------- enable : :class:`bool` Whether to enable or disable 16-bit resolution. """ state = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('RS,{}'.format(state)))
[docs] def set_rtd_offset(self, channel, offset): """Set the RTD offset of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. offset : :class:`int` The RTD offset [-250, 250]. """ self._check_channel(channel) if offset < -250 or offset > 250: self.raise_exception('Invalid RTD offset {}, must be between [-250, 250]'.format(offset)) self._check(self.query('RO{},{}'.format(channel, offset)))
[docs] def set_scale(self, channel, scale): """Set the scale of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. scale : :class:`float` The scale. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('SC{},{}'.format(channel, scale)))
[docs] def set_setpoint(self, channel, setpoint): """Set the setpoint of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. setpoint : :class:`float` The setpoint. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('SP{},{}'.format(channel, setpoint)))
[docs] def set_signal_mode(self, channel, mode): """Set the range and unit of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. mode : :class:`int` or :class:`str` The signal mode as either an index number (e.g., between 0 and 5 inclusive) or a name (e.g., ``INDEP``). """ self._check_channel(channel) if isinstance(mode, str): index = self._get_index_from_value(mode, self.SIGNAL_MODES) if index is None: self.raise_exception('Invalid signal mode {!r}'.format(mode)) else: index = int(mode) if index < 0 or index > 5: self.raise_exception('Invalid signal mode index {}, must be between [0, 5]'.format(index)) self._check(self.query('SM{},{}'.format(channel, index)))
[docs] def set_tweak_control(self, enable): """Set tweak control. Parameters ---------- enable : :class:`bool` Whether to switch tweak control on or off. """ command = '$1' if enable else '$0' self._check(self.query(command))
[docs] def set_upper_limit(self, channel, limit): """Set the upper limit of a particular channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. limit : :class:`float` The upper limit [-5% to 110% of full scale]. """ self._check_channel(channel) self._check(self.query('UL{},{}'.format(channel, limit)))
[docs] def set_valves(self, channel, enable): """Set the state of the valve of a channel. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`int` The channel, either 1 or 2. """ if channel == 0: self.raise_exception('The manual indicates that you can specify channel=0 ' 'to set both valves simultaneously, but that does not work') self._check_channel(channel) state = 'ON' if enable else 'OFF' self._check(self.query('VL{},{}'.format(channel, state)))
[docs] def status(self): """Request status bits. Returns ------- :class:`int` The status value. :class:`str` The binary representation of the value. """ value = int(self.query('ST')) return value, '{:08b}'.format(value)
[docs] def unlock(self): """Unlock setup.""" self._check(self.query('#0'))