Source code for

Contains the information about a PicoScope channel.
from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np

[docs] class PicoScopeChannel(object): def __init__(self, channel, enabled, coupling, voltage_range, voltage_offset, bandwidth, max_adu_value): """Contains the information about a PicoScope channel. This class is used by :class:`~.picoscope.PicoScope` and is not meant to be called directly. Parameters ---------- channel : :class:`enum.IntEnum` The ``PSX000xChannel`` enum. enabled : :class:`bool` Whether the channel is enabled. coupling : :class:`enum.IntEnum` The ``PSX000xCoupling`` enum, e.g. AC or DC. voltage_range : :class:`float` The voltage range, in Volts. voltage_offset : :class:`float` The voltage offset, in Volts. bandwidth : :class:`enum.IntEnum` or :data:`None` The ``PSX000xBandwidthLimiter`` enum. max_adu_value : :class:`int` The maximum analog-to-digital unit. """ self._channel = channel self._enabled = enabled self._coupling = coupling self._voltage_range = voltage_range self._voltage_offset = voltage_offset self._bandwidth = bandwidth self._volts_per_adu = voltage_range/float(max_adu_value) # the raw data in analog-to-digital units self._adu_values = np.empty((0, 0), dtype=np.int16) self._num_captures = 0 self._num_samples = 0 @property def channel(self): """:class:`enum.IntEnum`: The ``PSX000xChannel`` enum.""" return self._channel @property def enabled(self): """:class:`bool`: Whether the channel is enabled.""" return self._enabled @property def coupling(self): """:class:`enum.IntEnum`: The ``PSX000xCoupling`` enum, e.g. AC or DC.""" return self._coupling @property def voltage_range(self): """:class:`float`: The voltage range, in Volts.""" return self._voltage_range @property def voltage_offset(self): """:class:`float`: The voltage offset, in Volts.""" return self._voltage_offset @property def bandwidth(self): """ :class:`enum.IntEnum` or :data:`None`: The ``PSX000xBandwidthLimiter`` enum.""" return self._bandwidth @property def volts_per_adu(self): """:class:`float`: The conversion factor to convert ADU to volts""" return self._volts_per_adu @property def raw(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The raw data, in ADU""" return self._adu_values @property def buffer(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The raw data, in ADU""" return self._adu_values @property def volts(self): """:class:`numpy.ndarray`: The data, in volts""" # From the manual, the voltage offset gets added to the input channel before digitization. # Must convert the ADU values to volts and then subtract the offset. return self._adu_values * self._volts_per_adu - self._voltage_offset @property def num_samples(self): """:class:`int`: The size of the data array.""" return self._adu_values.size
[docs] def allocate(self, num_captures, num_samples): """Allocate memory to save the data. Parameters ---------- num_captures : :class:`int` The number of captures num_samples : :class:`int` The number of samples """ if self._adu_values.size != num_captures*num_samples: if num_captures == 1: self._adu_values = np.empty(num_samples, dtype=np.int16) else: self._adu_values = np.empty((num_captures, num_samples), dtype=np.int16)