Source code for

A wrapper around the PicoScope ps2000a SDK.
from __future__ import annotations

from ctypes import byref

from import register
from .functions import ps2000aApi_funcptrs
from .picoscope_api import PicoScopeApi

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'Pico\s*Tech', model=r'240[5678][AB]|220(5A MSO|5 MSO|6|7|8)') class PicoScope2000A(PicoScopeApi): PS2208_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 500 PS2208_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 20 PS2207_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 500 PS2207_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 20 PS2206_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 250 PS2206_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 10 EXT_MAX_VALUE = 32767 EXT_MIN_VALUE = -32767 MAX_LOGIC_LEVEL = 32767 MIN_LOGIC_LEVEL = -32767 MIN_SIG_GEN_FREQ = 0.0 MAX_SIG_GEN_FREQ = 20000000.0 MAX_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 MIN_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 MIN_DWELL_COUNT = 3 MAX_SWEEPS_SHOTS = ((1 << 30) - 1) MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_50MV_200MV = 0.250 MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_50MV_200MV = -0.250 MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_500MV_2V = 2.500 MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_500MV_2V = -2.500 MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_5V_20V = 20. MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_5V_20V = -20. SHOT_SWEEP_TRIGGER_CONTINUOUS_RUN = 0xFFFFFFFF SINE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. SQUARE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. TRIANGLE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. SINC_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. RAMP_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. HALF_SINE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. GAUSSIAN_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. PRBS_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. PRBS_MIN_FREQUENCY = 0.03 MIN_FREQUENCY = 0.03 # EXT_MAX_VOLTAGE = ? def __init__(self, record): """A wrapper around the PicoScope ps2000a SDK. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ super(PicoScope2000A, self).__init__(record, ps2000aApi_funcptrs)
[docs] def set_digital_analog_trigger_operand(self, operand): """ This function is define in the header file, but it is not in the manual. """ return self.sdk.ps2000aSetDigitalAnalogTriggerOperand(self._handle, operand)
[docs] def set_trigger_digital_port_properties(self, directions): """ This function will set the individual Digital channels trigger directions. Each trigger direction consists of a channel name and a direction. If the channel is not included in the array of :class:`~.structs.PS2000ADigitalChannelDirections` the driver assumes the digital channel's trigger direction is ``PS2000A_DIGITAL_DONT_CARE``. """ return self.sdk.ps2000aSetTriggerDigitalPortProperties(self._handle, byref(directions), len(directions))