Source code for

A wrapper around the PicoScope ps3000a SDK.
from __future__ import annotations

from ctypes import byref
from ctypes import c_int16

from import register
from .functions import ps3000aApi_funcptrs
from .picoscope_api import PicoScopeApi
from .structs import PS3000ATriggerInfo

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'Pico\s*Tech', model=r'3\d{3}[ABD\s]') class PicoScope3000A(PicoScopeApi): MAX_OVERSAMPLE = 256 PS3207A_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 500 PS3207A_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 40 PS3206A_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 500 PS3206A_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 40 PS3206MSO_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 80 PS3205A_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 250 PS3205A_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 20 PS3205MSO_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 40 PS3204A_MAX_ETS_CYCLES = 125 PS3204A_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 10 PS3204MSO_MAX_INTERLEAVE = 20 EXT_MAX_VALUE = 32767 EXT_MIN_VALUE = -32767 MAX_LOGIC_LEVEL = 32767 MIN_LOGIC_LEVEL = -32767 MIN_SIG_GEN_FREQ = 0.0 MAX_SIG_GEN_FREQ = 20000000.0 PS3207B_MAX_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768 PS3206B_MAX_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 16384 MAX_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 MIN_SIG_GEN_BUFFER_SIZE = 1 MIN_DWELL_COUNT = 3 MAX_SWEEPS_SHOTS = ((1 << 30) - 1) MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_50MV_200MV = 0.250 MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_50MV_200MV = -0.250 MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_500MV_2V = 2.500 MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_500MV_2V = -2.500 MAX_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_5V_20V = 20. MIN_ANALOGUE_OFFSET_5V_20V = -20. SHOT_SWEEP_TRIGGER_CONTINUOUS_RUN = 0xFFFFFFFF SINE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. SQUARE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. TRIANGLE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. SINC_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. RAMP_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. HALF_SINE_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. GAUSSIAN_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. PRBS_MAX_FREQUENCY = 1000000. PRBS_MIN_FREQUENCY = 0.03 MIN_FREQUENCY = 0.03 # EXT_MAX_VOLTAGE = ? def __init__(self, record): """A wrapper around the PicoScope ps3000a SDK. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ super(PicoScope3000A, self).__init__(record, ps3000aApi_funcptrs)
[docs] def get_max_ets_values(self): """ This function returns the maximum number of cycles and maximum interleaving factor that can be used for the selected scope device in ETS mode. These values are the upper limits for the ``etsCycles`` and ``etsInterleave`` arguments supplied to :meth:`~.PicoScopeApi.set_ets`. """ ets_cycles = c_int16() ets_interleave = c_int16() self.sdk.ps3000aGetMaxEtsValues(self._handle, byref(ets_cycles), byref(ets_interleave)) return ets_cycles.value, ets_interleave.value
[docs] def get_trigger_info_bulk(self, from_segment_index, to_segment_index): """ This function returns trigger information in rapid block mode. Returns ------- The :class:`~.structs.PS3000ATriggerInfo` structure. """ trigger_info = PS3000ATriggerInfo() self.sdk.ps3000aGetTriggerInfoBulk(self._handle, byref(trigger_info), from_segment_index, to_segment_index) return trigger_info
[docs] def set_pulse_width_digital_port_properties(self, directions): """ This function will set the individual digital channels' pulse-width trigger directions. Each trigger direction consists of a channel name and a direction. If the channel is not included in the array of :class:`~.structs.PS3000ADigitalChannelDirections` the driver assumes the digital channel's pulse-width trigger direction is ``PS3000A_DIGITAL_DONT_CARE``. """ return self.sdk.ps3000aSetPulseWidthDigitalPortProperties(self._handle, byref(directions), len(directions))
[docs] def set_pulse_width_qualifier_v2(self, conditions, direction, lower, upper, pulse_width_type): """ This function sets up pulse-width qualification, which can be used on its own for pulse width triggering or combined with level triggering or window triggering to produce more complex triggers. The pulse-width qualifier is set by defining one or more structures that are then ``ORed`` together. Each structure is itself the ``AND`` of the states of one or more of the inputs. This ``AND-OR`` logic allows you to create any possible Boolean function of the scope's inputs. """ return self.sdk.ps3000aSetPulseWidthQualifierV2(self._handle, byref(conditions), len(conditions), direction, lower, upper, pulse_width_type)
[docs] def set_trigger_channel_conditions_v2(self, conditions): """ This function sets up trigger conditions on the scope's inputs. The trigger is defined by one or more :class:`~.structs.PS3000ATriggerConditionsV2` structures that are then ORed together. Each structure is itself the AND of the states of one or more of the inputs. This AND-OR logic allows you to create any possible Boolean function of the scope's inputs. If complex triggering is not required, use :meth:`~.PicoScopeApi.set_simple_trigger`. """ return self.sdk.ps3000aSetTriggerChannelConditionsV2(self._handle, byref(conditions), len(conditions))
[docs] def set_trigger_digital_port_properties(self, directions): """ This function will set the individual digital channels' trigger directions. Each trigger direction consists of a channel name and a direction. If the channel is not included in the array of :class:`~.structs.PS3000ADigitalChannelDirections` the driver assumes the digital channel's trigger direction is ``PS3000A_DIGITAL_DONT_CARE``. """ return self.sdk.ps3000aSetTriggerDigitalPortProperties(self._handle, byref(directions), len(directions))