Source code for

Control a TEC (Peltier-based) oven from Raicol Crystals.
from __future__ import annotations

from import ConnectionSerial
from import RaicolCrystalsError
from import register

[docs] @register(manufacturer=r'Raicol', model=r'TEC') class RaicolTEC(ConnectionSerial): def __init__(self, record): """Control a TEC (Peltier-based) oven from Raicol Crystals. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`~.EquipmentRecord` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. """ super(RaicolTEC, self).__init__(record) self.write_termination = self.LF self.set_exception_class(RaicolCrystalsError)
[docs] def get_setpoint(self): """Get the setpoint temperature. Returns ------- :class:`float` The setpoint temperature, in Celsius. """ return float(self.query('Get_T_Set', size=6)[2:])
[docs] def off(self): """Turn the TEC off.""" reply = self.query('OFF', size=4) if reply != 'ofOK': self.raise_exception('Cannot turn the TEC off')
[docs] def on(self): """Turn the TEC on.""" reply = self.query('ON', size=4) if reply != 'onOK': self.raise_exception('Cannot turn the TEC on')
[docs] def set_setpoint(self, temperature): """Set the setpoint temperature. Parameters ---------- temperature : :class:`float` The setpoint temperature, in Celsius. Must be in the range [20.1, 60.0]. """ t = round(temperature, 1) if t < 20.1 or t > 60.0: raise ValueError('The setpoint temperature must be between ' '20.1 and 60.0, got {}'.format(t)) reply = self.query('Set_T{:.1f}'.format(t), size=4, delay=0.05) if reply != 'stOK': self.raise_exception('Cannot change the setpoint temperature')
[docs] def temperature(self): """Returns the current temperature of the oven. The temperature is measured by a PT1000-Platinum resistor temperature sensor that is located near the crystal in the metalic mount. Returns ------- :class:`float` The temperature of the oven, in Celsius. """ return float(self.query('Data_T', size=7)[2:])