Source code for

Enums defined in Thorlabs Kinesis v1.14.10
from __future__ import annotations

from ctypes import c_byte
from ctypes import c_int
from ctypes import c_int16
from ctypes import c_short
from ctypes import c_uint16
from ctypes import c_ushort
from enum import IntEnum

from ...utils import WORD

[docs] class FT_Status(IntEnum): FT_OK = 0x00 FT_InvalidHandle = 0x01 FT_DeviceNotFound = 0x02 FT_DeviceNotOpened = 0x03 FT_IOError = 0x04 FT_InsufficientResources = 0x05 FT_InvalidParameter = 0x06 FT_DeviceNotPresent = 0x07 FT_IncorrectDevice = 0x08
[docs] class MOT_MotorTypes(IntEnum): MOT_NotMotor = 0 MOT_DCMotor = 1 MOT_StepperMotor = 2 MOT_BrushlessMotor = 3 MOT_CustomMotor = 100
[docs] class MOT_TravelModes(IntEnum): MOT_TravelModeUndefined = 0 MOT_Linear = 0x01 MOT_Rotational = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_TravelDirection(IntEnum): MOT_TravelDirectionDisabled = 0x00 MOT_Forwards = 0x01 MOT_Reverse = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_DirectionSense(IntEnum): MOT_Normal = 0x00 MOT_Backwards = 0x01
[docs] class MOT_HomeLimitSwitchDirection(IntEnum): MOT_LimitSwitchDirectionUndefined = 0 MOT_ReverseLimitSwitch = 0x01 MOT_ForwardLimitSwitch = 0x04
[docs] class MOT_JogModes(IntEnum): MOT_JogModeUndefined = 0x00 MOT_Continuous = 0x01 MOT_SingleStep = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_StopModes(IntEnum): MOT_StopModeUndefined = 0x00 MOT_Immediate = 0x01 MOT_Profiled = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_ButtonModes(IntEnum): MOT_ButtonModeUndefined = 0x00 MOT_JogMode = 0x01 MOT_Preset = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_VelocityProfileModes(IntEnum): MOT_Trapezoidal = 0x00 MOT_SCurve = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_LimitSwitchModes(IntEnum): MOT_LimitSwitchModeUndefined = 0x00 MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitch = 0x01 MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContact = 0x02 MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContact = 0x03 MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHome = 0x04 MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHome = 0x05 MOT_PMD_Reserved = 0x06 MOT_LimitSwitchIgnoreSwitchSwapped = 0x81 MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnContactSwapped = 0x82 MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnContactSwapped = 0x83 MOT_LimitSwitchMakeOnHomeSwapped = 0x84 MOT_LimitSwitchBreakOnHomeSwapped = 0x85
[docs] class MOT_LimitSwitchSWModes(IntEnum): MOT_LimitSwitchSWModeUndefined = 0x00 MOT_LimitSwitchIgnored = 0x01 MOT_LimitSwitchStopImmediate = 0x02 MOT_LimitSwitchStopProfiled = 0x03 MOT_LimitSwitchIgnored_Rotational = 0x81 MOT_LimitSwitchStopImmediate_Rotational = 0x82 MOT_LimitSwitchStopProfiled_Rotational = 0x83
[docs] class MOT_LimitsSoftwareApproachPolicy(IntEnum): DisallowIllegalMoves = 0 AllowPartialMoves = 1 AllowAllMoves = 2
[docs] class MOT_CurrentLoopPhases(IntEnum): MOT_PhaseA = 0x0 MOT_PhaseB = 0x1 MOT_PhaseAB = 0x2
[docs] class MOT_MovementModes(IntEnum): LinearRange = 0x00 RotationalUnlimited = 0x01 RotationalWrapping = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_MovementDirections(IntEnum): Quickest = 0x00 Forwards = 0x01 Reverse = 0x02
[docs] class MOT_PID_LoopMode(IntEnum): MOT_PIDLoopModeDisabled = 0x00 MOT_PIDOpenLoopMode = 0x01 MOT_PIDClosedLoopMode = 0x02
[docs] class NT_SignalState(IntEnum): NT_BadSignal = 0x00 NT_GoodSignal = 0x01
[docs] class NT_Mode(IntEnum): NT_ModeUndefined = 0x00 NT_Piezo = 0x01 NT_Latch = 0x02 NT_Tracking = 0x03 NT_HorizontalTracking = 0x04 NT_VerticalTracking = 0x05
[docs] class NT_ControlMode(IntEnum): NT_ControlModeUndefined = 0x00 NT_OpenLoop = 0x01 NT_ClosedLoop = 0x02 NT_OpenLoopSmoothed = 0x03 NT_ClosedLoopSmoothed = 0x04
[docs] class NT_FeedbackSource(IntEnum): NT_FeedbackSourceUndefined = 0x00 NT_TIA = 0x01 NT_BNC_1v = 0x02 NT_BNC_2v = 0x03 NT_BNC_5v = 0x04 NT_BNC_10v = 0x05
[docs] class NT_TIARange(IntEnum): NT_TIARange1_3nA = 0x0003 NT_TIARange2_10nA = 0x0004 NT_TIARange3_30nA = 0x0005 NT_TIARange4_100nA = 0x0006 NT_TIARange5_300nA = 0x0007 NT_TIARange6_1uA = 0x0008 NT_TIARange7_3uA = 0x0009 NT_TIARange8_10uA = 0x000A NT_TIARange9_30uA = 0x000B NT_TIARange10_100uA = 0x000C NT_TIARange11_300uA = 0x000D NT_TIARange12_1mA = 0x000E NT_TIARange13_3mA = 0x000F NT_TIARange14_10mA = 0x0010
[docs] class NT_OddOrEven(IntEnum): NT_OddAndEven = 0x0001 NT_Odd = 0x0002 NT_Even = 0x0003
[docs] class NT_UnderOrOver(IntEnum): NT_InRange = 0x0001 NT_UnderRange = 0x0002 NT_OverRange = 0x0003
[docs] class NT_CircleDiameterMode(IntEnum): NT_ParameterCircleMode = 0x0001 NT_AbsPowerCircleMode = 0x0002 NT_LUTCircleMode = 0x0003
[docs] class NT_CircleAdjustment(IntEnum): NT_LinearCircleAdjustment = 0x0001 NT_LogCircleAdjustment = 0x0002 NT_SquareCircleAdjustment = 0x0003 NT_CubeCircleAdjustment = 0x0004
[docs] class NT_TIARangeMode(IntEnum): NT_TIARangeModeUndefined = 0x0000 NT_AutoRangeAtSelected = 0x0001 NT_ManualRangeAtSelected = 0x0002 NT_ManualRangeAtParameter = 0x0003 NT_AutoRangeAtParameter = 0x0004
[docs] class NT_LowPassFrequency(IntEnum): NT_LowPassNone = 0 NT_LowPass_1Hz = 1 NT_LowPass_3Hz = 2 NT_LowPass_10Hz = 3 NT_LowPass_30Hz = 4 NT_LowPass_100Hz = 5
[docs] class NT_VoltageRange(IntEnum): NT_VoltageRangeUndefined = 0x0000 NT_VoltageRange_5v = 0x0001 NT_VoltageRange_10v = 0x0002
[docs] class NT_OutputVoltageRoute(IntEnum): NT_SMAOnly = 0x0001 NT_HubOrSMA = 0x0002
[docs] class NT_PowerInputUnits(IntEnum): NT_Amps = 0 NT_Watts = 1 NT_Db = 2
[docs] class NT_SMA_Units(IntEnum): NT_Voltage = 0 NT_FullRange = 1 NT_UserDefined = 2
[docs] class BNT_CurrentLimit(IntEnum): NT_CurrentLimit_100mA = 0x00 NT_CurrentLimit_250mA = 0x01 NT_CurrentLimit_500mA = 0x02
[docs] class BNT_OutputLowPassFilter(IntEnum): NT_OutputFilter_10Hz = 0x0 NT_OutputFilter_100Hz = 0x1 NT_OutputFilter_5kHz = 0x2 NT_OutputFilter_None = 0x3
[docs] class BNT_FeedbackSignalSelection(IntEnum): NT_FeedbackSignalDC = 0x0000 NT_FeedbackSignalAC = 0xFFFF
[docs] class BNT_BNCTriggerModes(IntEnum): NT_BNCModeTrigger = 0x0000 NT_BNCModeLVOut = 0xFFFF
[docs] class PZ_ControlModeTypes(IntEnum): PZ_Undefined = 0 PZ_OpenLoop = 1 PZ_CloseLoop = 2 PZ_OpenLoopSmooth = 3 PZ_CloseLoopSmooth = 4
[docs] class PZ_InputSourceFlags(IntEnum): PZ_SoftwareOnly = 0 PZ_ExternalSignal = 0x01 PZ_Potentiometer = 0x02 PZ_All = PZ_ExternalSignal | PZ_Potentiometer
[docs] class PZ_OutputLUTModes(IntEnum): PZ_Continuous = 0x01 PZ_Fixed = 0x02 PZ_OutputTrigEnable = 0x04 PZ_InputTrigEnable = 0x08 PZ_OutputTrigSenseHigh = 0x10 PZ_InputTrigSenseHigh = 0x20 PZ_OutputGated = 0x40 PZ_OutputTrigRepeat = 0x80
[docs] class PPC_DerivFilterState(IntEnum): DerivFilterOn = 0x01 DerivFilterOff = 0x02
[docs] class PPC_NotchFilterState(IntEnum): NotchFilterOn = 0x01 NotchFilterOff = 0x02
[docs] class PPC_NotchFilterChannel(IntEnum): NotchFilter1 = 0x01 NotchFilter2 = 0x02 NotchFilterBoth = 0x03
[docs] class PPC_IOControlMode(IntEnum): SWOnly = 0x00 ExtBNC = 0x01 Joystick = 0x02 JoystickBnc = 0x03
[docs] class PPC_IOOutputMode(IntEnum): HV = 0x01 PosRaw = 0x02 PosCorrected = 0x03
[docs] class PPC_IOOutputBandwidth(IntEnum): OP_Unfiltered = 0x01 OP_200Hz = 0x02
[docs] class PPC_IOFeedbackSourceDefinition(IntEnum): StrainGauge = 0x01 Capacitive = 0x02 Optical = 0x03
[docs] class PPC_DisplayIntensity(IntEnum): Bright = 0x01 Dim = 0x02 Off = 0x03
[docs] class FF_Positions(IntEnum): FF_PositionError = 0 Position1 = 0x01 Position2 = 0x02
[docs] class FF_IOModes(IntEnum): FF_ToggleOnPositiveEdge = 0x01 FF_SetPositionOnPositiveEdge = 0x02 FF_OutputHighAtSetPosition = 0x04 FF_OutputHighWhemMoving = 0x08
[docs] class FF_SignalModes(IntEnum): FF_InputButton = 0x01 FF_InputLogic = 0x02 FF_InputSwap = 0x04 FF_OutputLevel = 0x10 FF_OutputPulse = 0x20 FF_OutputSwap = 0x40
[docs] class KMOT_WheelDirectionSense(IntEnum): KMOT_WM_Positive = 0x01 KMOT_WM_Negative = 0x02
[docs] class KMOT_WheelMode(IntEnum): KMOT_WM_Velocity = 0x01 KMOT_WM_Jog = 0x02 KMOT_WM_MoveAbsolute = 0x03
[docs] class KMOT_TriggerPortMode(IntEnum): KMOT_TrigDisabled = 0x00 KMOT_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 KMOT_TrigIn_RelativeMove = 0x02 KMOT_TrigIn_AbsoluteMove = 0x03 KMOT_TrigIn_Home = 0x04 KMOT_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A KMOT_TrigOut_InMotion = 0x0B KMOT_TrigOut_AtMaxVelocity = 0x0C KMOT_TrigOut_AtPositionSteps = 0x0D KMOT_TrigOut_Synch = 0x0E
[docs] class KMOT_TriggerPortPolarity(IntEnum): KMOT_TrigPolarityHigh = 0x01 KMOT_TrigPolarityLow = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_Channels(IntEnum): Channel1 = 1 Channel2 = 2 Channel3 = 3 Channel4 = 4
[docs] class KIM_JogMode(IntEnum): JogContinuous = 0x01 JogStep = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_TravelDirection(IntEnum): Forward = 0x01 Reverse = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_FBSignalMode(IntEnum): FB_LimitSwitch = 0x01 FB_Encoder = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_LimitSwitchModes(IntEnum): Ignore = 0x01 SwitchMakes = 0x02 SwitchBreaks = 0x03 SwitchMakes_HomeOnly = 0x04 SwitchBreaks_HomeOnly = 0x05
[docs] class KIM_DirectionSense(IntEnum): Dir_Disabled = 0x0 Dir_Forward = 0x01 Dir_Reverse = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_TrigModes(IntEnum): Trig_Disabled = 0x00 Trig_In_GPI = 0x01 Trig_InRelativeMove = 0x02 Trig_InAbsoluteMove = 0x03 Trig_InResetCount = 0x04 Trig_Out_GP0 = 0x0A Trig_Out_InMotion = 0x0B Trig_Out_AtMaxVelocity = 0x0C Trig_Out_PosStepFwd = 0x0D Trig_Out_PosStepRev = 0x0E Trig_Out_PosStepBoth = 0x0F Trig_Out_AtFwdLimit = 0x10 Trig_Out_AtRevLimit = 0x11 Trig_Out_AtEitherLimit = 0x12
[docs] class KIM_TrigPolarities(IntEnum): Trig_High = 0x01 Trig_Low = 0x02
[docs] class KIM_JoysticModes(IntEnum): JS_Velocity = 0x01 JS_Jog = 0x02 JS_GotoPosition = 0x03
[docs] class ChannelEnableModes(IntEnum): NONE = 0x00 Channel1Only = 0x01 Channel2Only = 0x02 Channel3Only = 0x03 Channel4Only = 0x04 Channels1and2 = 0x05 Channels3and4 = 0x06
[docs] class LD_InputSourceFlags(IntEnum): LD_SoftwareOnly = 0x01 LD_ExternalSignal = 0x02 LD_Potentiometer = 0x04
[docs] class LD_DisplayUnits(IntEnum): LD_ILim = 0x01 LD_ILD = 0x02 LD_IPD = 0x03 LD_PLD = 0x04
[docs] class LD_TIA_RANGES(IntEnum): LD_TIA_10uA = 1 LD_TIA_100uA = 2 LD_TIA_1mA = 4 LD_TIA_10mA = 8
[docs] class LD_POLARITY(IntEnum): LD_CathodeGrounded = 1 LD_AnodeGrounded = 2
[docs] class KLD_TriggerMode(IntEnum): KLD_Disabled = 0 KLD_Input = 1 KLD_Output = 0x0a KLD_LaserOn = 0x0b KLD_InterlockEnabled = 0x0c KLD_SetPointChange = 0x0d KLD_HighStability = 0x0e KLD_LowStability = 0x0f
[docs] class KLD_TrigPolarity(IntEnum): KLD_TrigPol_High = 0x01 KLD_TrigPol_Low = 0x02
[docs] class LS_InputSourceFlags(IntEnum): LS_SoftwareOnly = 0 LS_ExternalSignal = 0x01 LS_Potentiometer = 0x04
[docs] class KLS_OpMode(IntEnum): KLS_ConstantPower = 0 KLS_ConstantCurrent = 1
[docs] class KLS_TriggerMode(IntEnum): KLS_Disabled = 0 KLS_Input = 1 KLS_Output = 0x0a KLS_LaserOn = 0x0b KLS_InterlockEnabled = 0x0c KLS_SetPointChange = 0x0d KLS_HighStability = 0x0e KLS_LowStability = 0x0f
[docs] class KLS_TrigPolarity(IntEnum): KLS_TrigPol_High = 0x01 KLS_TrigPol_Low = 0x02
[docs] class KNA_FeedbackSource(IntEnum): NT_FeedbackSourceUndefined = 0x00 NT_TIA = 0x01 NT_IO1_5v = 0x04
[docs] class KNA_TIARange(IntEnum): KNA_TIARange1_5nA = 0x0003 KNA_TIARange2_16_6nA = 0x0004 KNA_TIARange3_50nA = 0x0005 KNA_TIARange4_166nA = 0x0006 KNA_TIARange5_500nA = 0x0007 KNA_TIARange6_1_66uA = 0x0008 KNA_TIARange7_5uA = 0x0009 KNA_TIARange8_16_6uA = 0x000A KNA_TIARange9_50uA = 0x000B KNA_TIARange10_166uA = 0x000C KNA_TIARange11_500uA = 0x000D KNA_TIARange12_1_66mA = 0x000E KNA_TIARange13_5mA = 0x000F
[docs] class KNA_LowVoltageRange(IntEnum): KNA_VoltageRange_10v = 0x0002
[docs] class KNA_LowOutputVoltageRoute(IntEnum): KNA_IO1Only = 0x0001
[docs] class KNA_HighVoltageRange(IntEnum): KNA_Default_Range = 0x00 KNA_VoltageRange_CH1_75v = 0x00 KNA_VoltageRange_CH1_150v = 0x01 KNA_VoltageRange_CH2_75v = 0x00 KNA_VoltageRange_CH2_150v = 0x10
[docs] class KNA_HighOutputVoltageRoute(IntEnum): KNA_Default_Route = 0x0000 KNA_ExtIn_PIN = 0x0000 KNA_ExtIn_IO1 = 0x0001 KNA_ExtOut_Dis = 0x0000 KNA_ExtOut_IO2 = 0x0010 KNA_EnableInputBoost = 0x0100
[docs] class NT_IO1_Units(IntEnum): NT_Voltage = 0 NT_FullRange = 1 NT_UserDefined = 2
[docs] class KNA_WheelAdjustRate(IntEnum): KNA_WM_Low = 0x00 KNA_WM_Medium = 0x01 KNA_WM_High = 0x02
[docs] class KNA_TriggerPortMode(IntEnum): KNA_TrigDisabled = 0x00 KNA_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 KNA_TrigIn_VoltageStepUp = 0x02 KNA_TrigIn_VoltageStepDown = 0x03 KNA_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A
[docs] class KNA_TriggerPortPolarity(IntEnum): KNA_TrigPolarityHigh = 0x01 KNA_TrigPolarityLow = 0x02
[docs] class KNA_Channels(IntEnum): KNA_ChannelUndefined = 0x00 KNA_Channel1 = 0x01 KNA_Channel2 = 0x02
[docs] class KNA_FeedbackModeTypes(IntEnum): PZ_ControlModeUndefined = 0 PZ_OpenLoop = 1 PZ_CloseLoop = 2 PZ_OpenLoopSmooth = 3 PZ_CloseLoopSmooth = 4
[docs] class KPZ_WheelDirectionSense(IntEnum): KPZ_WM_Positive = 0x01 KPZ_WM_Negative = 0x02
[docs] class KPZ_WheelMode(IntEnum): KPZ_WM_MoveAtVoltage = 0x01 KPZ_WM_JogVoltage = 0x02 KPZ_WM_SetVoltage = 0x03
[docs] class KPZ_WheelChangeRate(IntEnum): KPZ_WM_High = 0x01 KPZ_WM_Medium = 0x02 KPZ_WM_Low = 0x03
[docs] class KPZ_TriggerPortMode(IntEnum): KPZ_TrigDisabled = 0x00 KPZ_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 KPZ_TrigIn_VoltageStepUp = 0x02 KPZ_TrigIn_VoltageStepDown = 0x03 KPZ_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A
[docs] class KPZ_TriggerPortPolarity(IntEnum): KPZ_TrigPolarityHigh = 0x01 KPZ_TrigPolarityLow = 0x02
[docs] class HubAnalogueModes(IntEnum): AnalogueCh1 = 1 AnalogueCh2 = 2 ExtSignalSMA = 3
[docs] class QD_OperatingMode(IntEnum): QD_ModeUndefined = 0 QD_Monitor = 1 QD_OpenLoop = 2 QD_ClosedLoop = 3 QD_AutoOpenClosedLoop = 4
[docs] class QD_LowVoltageRoute(IntEnum): QD_RouteUndefined = 0 QD_SMAOnly = 1 QD_HubAndSMA = 2
[docs] class QD_OpenLoopHoldValues(IntEnum): QD_HoldOnZero = 1 QD_HoldOnLastValue = 2
[docs] class QD_FilterEnable(IntEnum): QD_Undefined = 0 QD_Enabled = 1 QD_Disabled = 2
[docs] class QD_KPA_TrigModes(IntEnum): QD_Trig_Disabled = 0x00 QD_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 QD_TrigIn_LoopOpenClose = 0x02 KD_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A KD_TrigOut_Sum = 0x0B KD_TrigOut_Diff = 0x0C KD_TrigOut_SumDiff = 0x0D
[docs] class QD_KPA_TrigPolarities(IntEnum): GD_Trig_High = 0x01 GD_Trig_Low = 0x02
[docs] class SC_OperatingModes(IntEnum): SC_Manual = 0x01 SC_Single = 0x02 SC_Auto = 0x03 SC_Triggered = 0x04
[docs] class SC_OperatingStates(IntEnum): SC_Unknown = 0x00 # this value is not in the docs but a value of 0 is sometimes returned SC_Active = 0x01 SC_Inactive = 0x02
[docs] class SC_SolenoidStates(IntEnum): SC_SolenoidOpen = 0x01 SC_SolenoidClosed = 0x02
[docs] class KSC_TriggerPortMode(IntEnum): KSC_TrigDisabled = 0x00 KSC_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 KSC_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A
[docs] class KSC_TriggerPortPolarity(IntEnum): KSC_TrigPolarityHigh = 0x01 KSC_TrigPolarityLow = 0x02
[docs] class KST_Stages(IntEnum): ZST6 = 0x20 ZST13 = 0x21 ZST25 = 0x22 ZST206 = 0x30 ZST213 = 0x31 ZST225 = 0x32 ZFS206 = 0x40 ZFS213 = 0x41 ZFS225 = 0x42 DRV013_25MM = 0x50 DRV014_50MM = 0x51 NR360 = 0x70 PLS_X25MM = 0x72 PLS_X25MM_HiRes = 0x73 FW103 = 0x75
[docs] class TSG_Hub_Analogue_Modes(IntEnum): TSG_HubChannel1 = 1 TSG_HubChannel2 = 2
[docs] class TSG_Display_Modes(IntEnum): TSG_Undefined = 0 TSG_Position = 1 TSG_Voltage = 2 TSG_Force = 3
[docs] class KSG_TriggerPortMode(IntEnum): KSG_TrigDisabled = 0x00 KSG_TrigIn_GPI = 0x01 KSG_TrigOut_GPO = 0x0A KSG_TrigOut_LessThanLowerLimit = 0x0B KSG_TrigOut_MoreThanLowerLimit = 0x0C KSG_TrigOut_LessThanUpperLimit = 0x0D KSG_TrigOut_MoreThanUpperLimit = 0x0E KSG_TrigOut_BetweenLimits = 0x0F KSG_TrigOut_OutsideLimits = 0x10
[docs] class KSG_TriggerPortPolarity(IntEnum): KSG_TrigPolarityHigh = 0x01 KSG_TrigPolarityLow = 0x02
[docs] class TIM_Channels(IntEnum): Channel1 = 1 Channel2 = 2 Channel3 = 3 Channel4 = 4
[docs] class TIM_JogMode(IntEnum): JogContinuous = 0x01 JogStep = 0x02
[docs] class TIM_ButtonsMode(IntEnum): Jog = 0x01 Position = 0x02
[docs] class TIM_Direction(IntEnum): Forward = 0x01 Reverse = 0x02
[docs] class LS_DisplayUnits(IntEnum): LS_mAmps = 0x01 LS_mWatts = 0x02 LS_mDb = 0x03
[docs] class TST_Stages(IntEnum): ZST6 = 0x20 ZST13 = 0x21 ZST25 = 0x22 ZST206 = 0x30 ZST213 = 0x31 ZST225 = 0x32 ZFS206 = 0x40 ZFS213 = 0x41 ZFS225 = 0x42 TBD1 = 0x60 TBD2 = 0x61 TBD3 = 0x62 TBD4 = 0x63 NR360 = 0x70 MVS025 = 0x71 PLS_X25MM = 0x72 PLS_X25MM_HiRes = 0x73 FW103 = 0x75 NEWZFS06 = 10006 NEWZFS13 = 10013 NEWZFS25 = 10025 NEWZST06 = 11006 NEWZST13 = 11013 NEWZST25 = 12025
[docs] class TC_SensorTypes(IntEnum): TC_Transducer = 0x00 TC_TH20kOhm = 0x01 TC_TH200kOhm = 0x02
[docs] class TC_DisplayModes(IntEnum): TC_ActualTemperature = 0x00 TC_TargetTemperature = 0x01 TC_TempDifference = 0x02 TC_Current = 0x03
[docs] class UnitType(IntEnum): DISTANCE = 0 VELOCITY = 1 ACCELERATION = 2
ENUM_CTYPE = { 'BNT_BNCTriggerModes': WORD, 'BNT_CurrentLimit': WORD, 'BNT_FeedbackSignalSelection': WORD, 'BNT_OutputLowPassFilter': WORD, 'ChannelEnableModes': c_int16, 'FF_IOModes': WORD, 'FF_Positions': c_int, 'FF_SignalModes': WORD, 'FT_Status': c_short, 'HubAnalogueModes': c_short, 'KIM_Channels': c_uint16, 'KIM_DirectionSense': c_int16, 'KIM_FBSignalMode': c_int16, 'KIM_JogMode': c_uint16, 'KIM_JoysticModes': c_int16, 'KIM_LimitSwitchModes': c_int16, 'KIM_TravelDirection': c_byte, 'KIM_TrigModes': c_int16, 'KIM_TrigPolarities': c_int16, 'KLD_TrigPolarity': c_ushort, 'KLD_TriggerMode': c_ushort, 'KLS_OpMode': c_ushort, 'KLS_TrigPolarity': c_ushort, 'KLS_TriggerMode': c_ushort, 'KMOT_TriggerPortMode': c_int16, 'KMOT_TriggerPortPolarity': c_int16, 'KMOT_WheelDirectionSense': c_int16, 'KMOT_WheelMode': c_int16, 'KNA_Channels': WORD, 'KNA_FeedbackModeTypes': c_short, 'KNA_FeedbackSource': WORD, 'KNA_HighOutputVoltageRoute': WORD, 'KNA_HighVoltageRange': WORD, 'KNA_LowOutputVoltageRoute': WORD, 'KNA_LowVoltageRange': WORD, 'KNA_TIARange': WORD, 'KNA_TriggerPortMode': c_int16, 'KNA_TriggerPortPolarity': c_int16, 'KNA_WheelAdjustRate': c_int16, 'KPZ_TriggerPortMode': c_int16, 'KPZ_TriggerPortPolarity': c_int16, 'KPZ_WheelChangeRate': c_int16, 'KPZ_WheelDirectionSense': c_int16, 'KPZ_WheelMode': c_int16, 'KSC_TriggerPortMode': c_int16, 'KSC_TriggerPortPolarity': c_int16, 'KSG_TriggerPortMode': c_int16, 'KSG_TriggerPortPolarity': c_int16, 'KST_Stages': c_short, 'LD_DisplayUnits': c_ushort, 'LD_InputSourceFlags': c_ushort, 'LD_POLARITY': c_int, 'LD_TIA_RANGES': c_int, 'LS_DisplayUnits': c_ushort, 'LS_InputSourceFlags': c_ushort, 'MOT_ButtonModes': WORD, 'MOT_CurrentLoopPhases': WORD, 'MOT_DirectionSense': c_short, 'MOT_HomeLimitSwitchDirection': c_short, 'MOT_JogModes': c_short, 'MOT_LimitSwitchModes': WORD, 'MOT_LimitSwitchSWModes': WORD, 'MOT_LimitsSoftwareApproachPolicy': c_short, 'MOT_MotorTypes': c_int, 'MOT_MovementDirections': c_int, 'MOT_MovementModes': c_int, 'MOT_PID_LoopMode': WORD, 'MOT_StopModes': c_short, 'MOT_TravelDirection': c_short, 'MOT_TravelModes': c_int, 'MOT_VelocityProfileModes': WORD, 'NT_CircleAdjustment': WORD, 'NT_CircleDiameterMode': WORD, 'NT_ControlMode': WORD, 'NT_FeedbackSource': WORD, 'NT_IO1_Units': WORD, 'NT_LowPassFrequency': WORD, 'NT_Mode': WORD, 'NT_OddOrEven': WORD, 'NT_OutputVoltageRoute': WORD, 'NT_PowerInputUnits': WORD, 'NT_SMA_Units': WORD, 'NT_SignalState': c_int, 'NT_TIARange': WORD, 'NT_TIARangeMode': WORD, 'NT_UnderOrOver': WORD, 'NT_VoltageRange': WORD, 'PPC_DerivFilterState': c_short, 'PPC_DisplayIntensity': c_short, 'PPC_IOControlMode': c_short, 'PPC_IOFeedbackSourceDefinition': c_short, 'PPC_IOOutputBandwidth': c_short, 'PPC_IOOutputMode': c_short, 'PPC_NotchFilterChannel': c_short, 'PPC_NotchFilterState': c_short, 'PZ_ControlModeTypes': c_short, 'PZ_InputSourceFlags': c_short, 'PZ_OutputLUTModes': c_short, 'QD_FilterEnable': WORD, 'QD_KPA_TrigModes': WORD, 'QD_KPA_TrigPolarities': WORD, 'QD_LowVoltageRoute': c_short, 'QD_OpenLoopHoldValues': c_short, 'QD_OperatingMode': c_short, 'SC_OperatingModes': c_byte, 'SC_OperatingStates': c_byte, 'SC_SolenoidStates': c_byte, 'TC_DisplayModes': c_ushort, 'TC_SensorTypes': c_ushort, 'TIM_ButtonsMode': c_uint16, 'TIM_Channels': c_ushort, 'TIM_Direction': c_byte, 'TIM_JogMode': c_uint16, 'TSG_Display_Modes': c_short, 'TSG_Hub_Analogue_Modes': c_short, 'TST_Stages': c_short, 'UnitType': c_short, } if __name__ == '__main__': # The following was used to automatically generate the above... import os from import CHeader enums = {} # dict of all enums enum_ctypes = {'UnitType': 'c_short'} # dict of enum data types root = r'C:\Program Files\Thorlabs\Kinesis' for f in os.listdir(root): if f.endswith('.h'): header = CHeader(os.path.join(root, f)) for key, value in header.enums().items(): if key in enums: continue enum_ctypes[key] = value[1] enums[key] = value[2] for class_name in enums: print('class {}(IntEnum):'.format(class_name)) for name, value in enums[class_name].items(): print(' {} = {}'.format(name, value)) print('\n') print('class UnitType(IntEnum):') print(' DISTANCE = 0') print(' VELOCITY = 1') print(' ACCELERATION = 2') print('\n') print('ENUM_CTYPE = {') for e in sorted(enum_ctypes): print(" '{}': {},".format(e, enum_ctypes[e])) print('}')