Source code for

Base ``Thorlabs.MotionControl`` class.
from __future__ import annotations

import os
from ctypes import byref
from ctypes import c_int
from ctypes import create_string_buffer
from xml.etree import ElementTree

from msl.loadlib import LoadLibrary

from import ConnectionSDK
from import ThorlabsError
from .errors import ERROR_CODES
from .errors import FT_OK
from .messages import MessageID
from .messages import MessageTypes
from .structs import TLI_DeviceInfo
from .structs import TLI_HardwareInformation
from ...utils import DWORD
from ...utils import WORD

_motion_control_device_manager = None

[docs] def device_manager(): """Returns a reference to the DeviceManager library. The ``Thorlabs.MotionControl.DeviceManager.dll`` library must be available on :data:`os.environ['PATH'] <os.environ>`. Returns ------- :class:`ctypes.CDLL` A reference to the library. """ global _motion_control_device_manager if _motion_control_device_manager is None: _motion_control_device_manager = LoadLibrary('Thorlabs.MotionControl.DeviceManager.dll').lib return _motion_control_device_manager
[docs] class MotionControl(ConnectionSDK): Benchtop_Brushless_Motor = 73 #: Benchtop Brushless Motor device ID Benchtop_NanoTrak = 22 #: Benchtop NanoTrak device ID Benchtop_Piezo_1_Channel = 41 #: Benchtop Piezo 1-Channel device ID Benchtop_Piezo_3_Channel = 71 #: Benchtop Piezo 3-Channel device ID Benchtop_Stepper_Motor_1_Channel = 40 #: Benchtop Stepper Motor 1-Channel device ID Benchtop_Stepper_Motor_3_Channel = 70 #: Benchtop Stepper Motor 3-Channel device ID Filter_Flipper = 37 #: Filter Flipper device ID Filter_Wheel = 47 #: Filter Wheel device ID KCube_Brushless_Motor = 28 #: KCube Brushless Motor device ID KCube_DC_Servo = 27 #: KCube DC Servo device ID KCube_Inertial_Motor = 97 #: KCube Inertial Motor device ID KCube_LaserSource = 56 #: KCube Laser Source device ID KCube_NanoTrak = 57 #: KCube NanoTrak device ID KCube_Piezo = 29 #: KCube Piezo device ID KCube_Solenoid = 68 #: KCube Solenoid device ID KCube_Stepper_Motor = 26 #: KCube Stepper Motor device ID Long_Travel_Stage = 45 #: Long Travel Stage device ID Cage_Rotator = 55 #: Cage Rotator device ID LabJack_490 = 46 #: LabJack 490 device ID LabJack_050 = 49 #: LabJack 050 device ID Modular_NanoTrak = 52 #: Modular NanoTrak device ID Modular_Piezo = 51 #: Modular Piezo device ID Modular_Stepper_Motor = 50 #: Modular Stepper Motor device ID TCube_Brushless_Motor = 67 #: TCube Brushless Motor device ID TCube_DC_Servo = 83 #: TCube DC Servo device ID TCube_Inertial_Motor = 65 #: TCube Inertial Motor device ID TCube_LaserSource = 86 #: TCube Laser Source device ID TCube_LaserDiode = 64 #: TCube Laser Diode device ID TCube_NanoTrak = 82 #: TCube NanoTrak device ID TCube_Quad = 89 #: TCube Quad device ID TCube_Solenoid = 85 #: TCube Solenoid device ID TCube_Stepper_Motor = 80 #: TCube Stepper_Motor device ID TCube_Strain_Gauge = 84 #: TCube Strain Gauge device ID TCube_TEC = 87 #: TCube TEC device ID Vertical_Stage = 24 #: Vertical Stage device ID # a serial number is 8 characters, 1 for null terminated, 1 for the comma, allow for up to 50 devices SERIAL_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE = (8 + 1 + 1) * 50 def __init__(self, record, api_function, build_device_list=False): """ Base **Thorlabs.MotionControl** class. Do not instantiate this class directly. Use the :meth:`~.EquipmentRecord.connect` method to connect to the equipment. Parameters ---------- record : :class:`` A record from an :ref:`equipment-database`. api_function : :mod:`.api_functions` An API function list from :mod:`.api_functions` that the subclass is a wrapper around. build_device_list : :class:`bool`, optional Whether to call :meth:`.build_device_list` before opening the connection to the device. Raises ------ If a connection to the device cannot be established. """ self._is_open = False if build_device_list: MotionControl.build_device_list() super(MotionControl, self).__init__(record, 'cdll') self.set_exception_class(ThorlabsError) for item in api_function: try: func = getattr(self.sdk, item[0]) except AttributeError as e: self.log_debug('%s %s', self, e) else: func.restype = item[1] func.errcheck = getattr(self, item[2]) func.argtypes = [v[0] for v in item[3]] self._serial = record.serial.encode('utf-8') self._is_open = True self._settings = dict() self._load_xml_settings('device_name', None))
[docs] def errcheck_api(self, result, func, args): """The API function returns OK if the function call was successful.""" self.log_errcheck(result, func, args) if result != FT_OK: err_name, err_msg = ERROR_CODES.get(result, ('UnhandledError', 'Error code 0x{:x}'.format(result))) self.raise_exception('{}: {}'.format(err_name, err_msg)) return result
[docs] def errcheck_true(self, result, func, args): """The API function returns :data:`True` if the function call was successful.""" self.log_errcheck(result, func, args) if not result: msg = '{}.{}{} -> {}'.format(self.__class__.__name__, func.__name__, args, result) self.raise_exception('The function did not return True.\n' + msg) return result
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Disconnect and close the device.""" if self._is_open: self.close() self._is_open = False
@property def settings(self): """:class:`dict`: The device settings specified in ``ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml`` If this is an empty :class:`dict` then you can specify the ``device_name`` in the properties field in the :ref:`connections-database` or you can run the Kinesis software and allow Kinesis to configure the actuator that is connected to the motor controller. The possible values for ``device_name`` can be found in the ``ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml`` file (located in the Kinesis installation folder, e.g., C:\\Program Files\\Thorlabs\\Kinesis). as the ``Name`` value in one of the ``<DeviceSettingsType>`` tags. """ return self._settings
[docs] @staticmethod def build_device_list(): """Build the device list. This function builds an internal collection of all devices found on a USB port that are not currently open. Note ---- If a device is open, it will not appear in the list until the device has been closed. Raises ------ If the device list cannot be built. """ ret = device_manager().TLI_BuildDeviceList() if ret != 0: raise ThorlabsError('Error building device list') return ret
[docs] @staticmethod def get_device_list_size(): """:class:`int`: The number of devices in the device list.""" return device_manager().TLI_GetDeviceListSize()
[docs] @staticmethod def get_device_list(*device_ids): """Get the contents of the device list which match the supplied device IDs. Parameters ---------- device_ids : :class:`int` A sequence of device ID's. Returns ------- :class:`list` of :class:`str` A list of device serial numbers for the specified device ID(s). Raises ------ If there was an error getting the device list. """ n = MotionControl.SERIAL_NUMBER_BUFFER_SIZE buffer = create_string_buffer(n) ids = (c_int * len(device_ids))(*device_ids) if len(device_ids) == 0: ret = device_manager().TLI_GetDeviceListExt(buffer, n) else: ret = device_manager().TLI_GetDeviceListByTypesExt(buffer, n, ids, len(device_ids)) if ret != 0: raise ThorlabsError('Error getting device list for {}'.format(device_ids)) return [sn for sn in buffer.value.decode().split(',') if sn]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_device_info(serial_number): """Get the device information from a USB port. The device info is read from the USB port not from the device itself. Parameters ---------- serial_number : :class:`str` The serial number of the device. Returns ------- :class:`.structs.TLI_DeviceInfo` A DeviceInfo structure. Raises ------ If there was an error getting the device information. """ info = TLI_DeviceInfo() ret = device_manager().TLI_GetDeviceInfo(str(serial_number).encode(), byref(info)) if ret == 0: raise ThorlabsError('Error getting device info for {}'.format(serial_number)) return info
[docs] @staticmethod def to_version(dword): """Convert the firmware or software number to a string. The number is made up of 4-byte parts. See the *get_firmware_version()* or the *get_software_version()* method of the appropriate Thorlabs MotionControl subclass. Parameters ---------- dword : :class:`int` The firmware or software number. Returns ------- :class:`str` The string representation of the version number. """ first = (dword >> 24) & 0xff second = (dword >> 16) & 0xff third = (dword >> 8) & 0xff fourth = dword & 0xff return '{}.{}.{}.{}'.format(first, second, third, fourth)
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_message(msg_type, msg_id, msg_data): """Converts the message into a :class:`dict`. See the *get_next_message()* or the *wait_for_message()* method of the appropriate Thorlabs MotionControl subclass. Parameters ---------- msg_type : :class:`int` The message type defines the device type which raised the message. msg_id : :class:`int` The message ID for the `msg_type`. msg_data : :class:`int` The message data. Returns ------- :class:`dict` The message represented as ``{ 'type':`` :class:``, ``'id':`` :class:``, ``'data':`` :class:`int` ``}`` """ _type = MessageTypes[msg_type] return {'type': _type, 'id': MessageID[_type][msg_id], 'data': msg_data}
def _get_hardware_info(self, sdk_function, channel=None): """Gets the hardware information from the device. The SDK function signature must be: sdk_function(char const * serialNo, char * modelNo, DWORD sizeOfModelNo, WORD * type, WORD * numChannels, char * notes, DWORD sizeOfNotes, DWORD * firmwareVersion, WORD * hardwareVersion, WORD * modificationState); or sdk_function(char const * serialNo, short channel, char * modelNo, DWORD sizeOfModelNo, WORD * type, WORD * numChannels, char * notes, DWORD sizeOfNotes, DWORD * firmwareVersion, WORD * hardwareVersion, WORD * modificationState); Returns ------- :class:`.structs.TLI_HardwareInformation` The hardware information. Raises ------ If not successful. """ firmware_version = DWORD() hardware_version = WORD() modification_state = WORD() typ = WORD() num_channels = WORD() model_size = TLI_HardwareInformation.modelNumber.size model = create_string_buffer(model_size) notes_size = TLI_HardwareInformation.notes.size notes = create_string_buffer(notes_size) if channel is None: sdk_function(self._serial, model, model_size, byref(typ), byref(num_channels), notes, notes_size, byref(firmware_version), byref(hardware_version), byref(modification_state)) else: sdk_function(self._serial, channel, model, model_size, byref(typ), byref(num_channels), notes, notes_size, byref(firmware_version), byref(hardware_version), byref(modification_state)) info = TLI_HardwareInformation() info.serialNumber = int(self._serial) info.modelNumber = model.value info.type = typ.value info.numChannels = num_channels.value info.notes = notes.value info.firmwareVersion = firmware_version.value info.hardwareVersion = hardware_version.value info.modificationState = modification_state.value return info def _load_xml_settings(self, name): # populates the self._settings dict from the information in: # - ThorlabsDeviceConfiguration.xml # - ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml # - ThorlabsCustomSettings.xml if name is None: # then get the SettingsName value from the following XML file # this assumes that the Kinesis software has been used to define the # stage that is connected to the controller cfg = 'C:/ProgramData/Thorlabs/MotionControl/ThorlabsDeviceConfiguration.xml' if not os.path.isfile(cfg): self.log_warning('Cannot find ThorlabsDeviceConfiguration.xml') return root = ElementTree.parse(cfg).getroot() element = root.find('.//Device[@Name="{}"]'.format(self.equipment_record.serial)) if element is None: self.log_warning('Cannot find <Device Name="%s"> in ThorlabsDeviceConfiguration.xml', self.equipment_record.serial) return name = element.find('SettingsName').text # find the ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml file path = 'C:/ProgramData/Thorlabs/MotionControl/ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml' if not os.path.isfile(path): found_it = False for item in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep): test = os.path.join(item, 'ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml') if os.path.isfile(test): path = test found_it = True break if not found_it: self.log_warning('Cannot find ThorlabsDefaultSettings.xml') return # get the XML element that refers to this device name root = ElementTree.parse(path).getroot() element = root.find('.//DeviceSettingsType[@Name="{}"]'.format(name)) if element is not None: # check if the device name refers to another device name try: name = element.attrib['Settings'] except KeyError: name = element.attrib['Name'] else: # some device, such as the MFF Filter Flipper, do not have a # <DeviceSettingsType> tag so we just assume that the Name is correct pass # read the settings from the XML file element = root.find('.//DeviceSettingsDefinition[@Name="{}"]'.format(name)) if element is None: # some devices are specified in ThorlabsCustomSettings.xml cfg = 'C:/ProgramData/Thorlabs/MotionControl/ThorlabsCustomSettings.xml' if os.path.isfile(cfg): root = ElementTree.parse(cfg).getroot() element = root.find('.//DeviceSettingsDefinition[@Name="{}"]'.format(name)) if element is None: self.log_warning('Cannot find <DeviceSettingsDefinition Name="%s">', name) return # populate the settings dict for item in element.iter(): text = item.text.strip() if not text: continue if text == 'true': value = True elif text == 'false': value = False else: try: value = int(text) except ValueError: value = float(text) self._settings[item.tag] = value