Source code for

Implementation of the Multicast DNS and DNS-Based Service Discovery protocols.

* RFC-1035_ -- *Domain Names - Implementation and Specification*, **ISI**, November 1987.
* RFC-6762_ -- *Multicast DNS*, **Apple Inc.**, February 2013.
* RFC-6763_ -- *DNS-Based Service Discovery*, **Apple Inc.**, February 2013.

.. _RFC-1035:
.. _RFC-6762:
.. _RFC-6763:
from __future__ import annotations

import socket
import struct
import threading
import time

import select

from .utils import parse_lxi_webserver

# RFC 6762, Section 5.1
MDNS_ADDR6 = 'ff02::fb'
MDNS_PORT = 5353

# RFC 1035, Section 3.2.2
A = 1  # a host address
PTR = 12  # a domain name pointer
TXT = 16  # text strings

# RFC 2782, Page 2
SRV = 33  # location of services

# RFC 1035, Section 3.2.4
IN = 1  # the internet

class _Buffer(object):

    def __init__(self, data): = data
        self.offset = 0

    def get(self, length):
        start = self.offset
        self.offset += length
        return[start:start + length]

    def unpack(self, fmt):
        size = struct.calcsize(fmt)
        return struct.unpack(fmt, self.get(size))

    def decode_name(self):
        # RFC 1035, Section 4.1.2
        # a domain name represented as a sequence of labels, where
        # each label consists of a length octet followed by that
        # number of octets. The domain name terminates with the
        # zero length octet for the null label of the root.
        names = []
        while True:
            length, = self.unpack('!B')
            if length == 0:
            elif length & 0b11000000:
                # RFC 1035, Section 4.1.4 (Pointer)
                self.offset -= 1
                pointer = self.unpack('!H')[0] & 0b0011111111111111
                offset = self.offset
                self.offset = pointer
                self.offset = offset
        return names

class _DNSRecord(_Buffer):

    def __init__(self, reply):
        super(_DNSRecord, self).__init__(reply)

        # RFC 1035, Section 4.1.1
        tid, flags, qd_count, an_count, ns_count, ar_count = self.unpack('!6H')
        assert tid == 0  # get the same transaction identifier back
        assert flags & 0b1000010000000000  # QR=1, OPCODE=0, AA=1, TC=0, RD=0, RA=0, Z=0, RCODE=0

        self.questions = [self.parse_question() for _ in range(qd_count)]
        self.answers = [self.parse_resource_record() for _ in range(an_count)]
        self.authority = [self.parse_resource_record() for _ in range(ns_count)]
        self.additional = [self.parse_resource_record() for _ in range(ar_count)]

    def parse_question(self):
        # RFC 1035, Section 4.1.2
        q_name = '.'.join(self.decode_name())
        q_type, q_class = self.unpack('!2H')
        return {'name': q_name, 'type': q_type, 'class': q_class}

    def parse_resource_record(self):
        # RFC 1035, Section 4.1.3
        r_name = '.'.join(self.decode_name())
        r_type, r_class, ttl, rd_length = self.unpack('!2HIH')
        if rd_length == 0:
            r_data = None
        elif r_type == PTR:
            # RFC 1035, Section 3.3.12
            r_data = '.'.join(self.decode_name())
        elif r_type == SRV:
            # RFC 2782
            priority, weight, port = self.unpack('!3H')
            r_data = {
                'priority': priority,
                'weight': weight,
                'port': port,
                'target': '.'.join(self.decode_name())
        elif r_type == TXT:
            # RFC 1035, Section 3.3.14
            txt_data = []
            stop = self.offset + rd_length
            while self.offset < stop:
                txt_length, = self.unpack('!B')

            # LXI Device Specification 2022 (Revision 1.6), Section 10.4.3
            r_data = dict(item.split('=') for item in txt_data)
        elif r_type == A:
            # RFC 1035, Section 3.4.1
            r_data = self.unpack('!4B')
            r_data = self.get(rd_length)
        return {'name': r_name, 'type': r_type, 'class': r_class, 'ttl': ttl, 'data': r_data}

[docs] def find_lxi(*, ip: list[str] | None = None, timeout: float = 1) -> dict[str, dict[str, str | list[str]]]: """Find all LXI devices that support the mDNS and DNS Service Discovery protocols. :param ip: The IP address(es) on the local computer to use to broadcast the discovery message. If not specified, broadcast on all network interfaces. :param timeout: The maximum number of seconds to wait for a reply. :return: The information about the HiSLIP, VXI-11 and SCPI-RAW devices that were found. """ from .utils import logger if not ip: from .utils import ipv4_addresses all_ips = ipv4_addresses() else: all_ips = ip logger.debug('find LXI devices: interfaces=%s, timeout=%s', all_ips, timeout) services = [ # VXI-11 Discovery and Identification Extended Function (Revision 1.1), Section 10.1.5 b'_vxi-11._tcp.local.', # LXI HiSLIP Extended Function (Revision 1.3), Section 20.7.1 b'_hislip._tcp.local.', # LXI Device Specification 2022 (Revision 1.6), Section 10.4.3 b'_http._tcp.local.', b'_lxi._tcp.local.', b'_scpi-raw._tcp.local.', b'_scpi-telnet._tcp.local.' ] # RFC 1035, Section 4 id_ = 0 # transaction identifier flags = 0 # QR=0, OPCODE=0, AA=0, TC=0, RD=0, RA=0, Z=0, RCODE=0 qd_count = len(services) # the number of Questions an_count = 0 # No Resource Records in the Answer section ns_count = 0 # No Name Server Resource Records in the Authority Records section ar_count = 0 # No Resource Records in the Additional Records section header = struct.pack('!6H', id_, flags, qd_count, an_count, ns_count, ar_count) # Initialize the DNS message message = bytearray(header) # Add the Questions to the DNS message for service in services: for name in service.split(b'.'): message.extend(struct.pack('!B', len(name))) message.extend(name) message.extend(struct.pack('!2H', PTR, IN)) def parse_xml(ip_address, port=80): try: lxi = parse_lxi_webserver(ip_address, port=port, timeout=timeout) except: return {}, set() description = { 'Manufacturer': lxi.get('Manufacturer', 'Unknown'), 'Model': lxi.get('Model', 'Unknown'), 'SerialNumber': lxi.get('SerialNumber', 'Unknown'), 'ManufacturerDescription': lxi.get('ManufacturerDescription', lxi.get('title', 'Unknown')), } addresses = set() for interface in lxi.get('Interfaces', []): if interface['InterfaceType'] != 'LXI': continue for address in interface['InstrumentAddressStrings']: addresses.add(address) return description, addresses def discover(host): sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, 1) sock.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, 255) sock.bind((host, 0)) sock.sendto(message, (MDNS_ADDR, MDNS_PORT)) select_timeout = min(timeout*0.1, 0.1) t0 = time.time() while True: r, w, x =[sock], [], [], select_timeout) if time.time() - t0 > timeout: break if not r: continue reply, (ip_address, _) = sock.recvfrom(8192) try: record = _DNSRecord(reply) except: continue device = {} info = {} addresses = set() found_lxi_srv = False # Check SRV and TXT records for a in record.additional: if a['type'] == TXT: info.update(a['data']) elif a['type'] == SRV: port = a['data']['port'] if a['name'].endswith('_scpi-raw._tcp.local.'): addresses.add(f'TCPIP::{ip_address}::{port}::SOCKET') elif a['name'].endswith('_vxi-11._tcp.local.'): port_str = '' if port == 111 else f',{port}' addresses.add(f'TCPIP::{ip_address}::inst0{port_str}::INSTR') elif a['name'].endswith('_hislip._tcp.local.'): port_str = '' if port == 4880 else f',{port}' addresses.add(f'TCPIP::{ip_address}::hislip0{port_str}::INSTR') elif a['name'].endswith('_lxi._tcp.local.'): found_lxi_srv = True port_str = '' if port == 80 else f':{port}' device['webserver'] = f'http://{ip_address}{port_str}' description, address_strings = parse_xml(ip_address, port=port) info.update(description) for item in address_strings: addresses.add(item) # Fetch the XML identification document (if it hasn't already been fetched) if not found_lxi_srv: for a in record.answers: if a['name'] in ('_lxi._tcp.local.', '_http._tcp.local.'): description, address_strings = parse_xml(ip_address) device['webserver'] = f'http://{ip_address}' info.update(description) for item in address_strings: addresses.add(item) md = info.get('ManufacturerDescription', '') description = [] for item in ('Manufacturer', 'Model', 'SerialNumber'): if item in info and info[item] not in md: description.append(info[item]) if md: description.append(md) if description: device['description'] = ', '.join(description) else: device['description'] = 'Unknown LXI device' device['addresses'] = sorted(addresses) key = tuple(int(s) for s in ip_address.split('.')) devices[key] = device sock.close() # TODO use asyncio instead of threading when dropping Python 2.7 support devices = {} threads = [threading.Thread(target=discover, args=(ip,)) for ip in all_ips] for thread in threads: thread.start() for thread in threads: thread.join() return dict(('.'.join(str(v) for v in k), devices[k]) for k in sorted(devices))