Source code for

The functions in this module are only helper functions that were initially used 
for wrapping the PicoScope SDK in Python. There are no user-facing functions 
here, only those used by a developer.

These functions are used to

Print the following to stdout
    * the #define constants
    * the function signatures for the PicoScope subclasses
    * functions with similar function signatures

Create the following files
from __future__ import annotations

import os
import re

[docs] def parse_pico_scope_api_header(path): """Parse a PicoScope header file. Parameters ---------- path : :class:`str` The path to a PicoScope header file. Returns ------- :class:`dict` {'enums': {}, 'defines': {}, 'functions': {}, 'structs': {}, 'functypes': {}} """ def process_line(string): split = string.split() data_type = split[0] if '**' in string: data_type += '**' elif '*' in string: data_type += '*' if len(split) > 1: out = [data_type,'[a-zA-Z_]+', split[-1]).group(0)] else: if data_type == 'GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin': out = [data_type, 'lpGetOverviewBuffersMaxMin'] elif data_type == 'void': # the following function do not take inputs # ps2000_open_unit, ps2000_open_unit_async # ps3000_open_unit, ps3000_open_unit_async out = [] else: raise NotImplementedError return out fname = os.path.basename(path)[:-2] header_dict = {'enums': {}, 'defines': {}, 'functions': {}, 'structs': {}, 'functypes': {}} with open(path, mode='rt') as fp: for line in fp: # the function definitions and the function-prototype definitions if line.startswith('PREF0') or line.startswith('typedef void') or line.startswith('typedef int16_t'): if line.startswith('PREF0'): key = 'functions' function_name = re.findall(r'\((.*?)\)', line)[0].strip() restype = re.findall(r'PREF1(.*?)PREF2', line)[0].strip() else: key = 'functypes' function_name = line.split('*')[1][:-2] restype = 'void' if line.startswith('typedef void') else 'int16_t' args = [] for line2 in fp: if '(' in line2: continue elif ');' in line2: if len(line2.strip()) > 2: # ps2000 and ps4000aApi had ');' on the same line as input arguments out = process_line(line2) if out: args.extend(out) alias = function_name.replace(fname.replace('Api', ''), '') if '_' in function_name: # convert to camel case alias = ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in alias.split('_')[1:]) header_dict[key][function_name] = alias, restype, args #print('{0:<11} {1:<45} {2:<45} {3:<12} {4}'.format(fname, function_name, alias, restype, args)) break out = process_line(line2) if out: args.extend(out) # the #define statements if line.startswith('#define'): line_split = line.split() if len(line_split) > 2: header_dict['defines'][line_split[1]] = ''.join(line_split[2:]).split('//')[0] # the enum definitions if line.startswith('typedef enum'): enum_name = line.split('typedef enum')[1].strip() args = [] for line2 in fp: if '{' in line2: continue elif '}' in line2: alias = line2.replace('}', '').replace(';', '').strip() if '=' in alias: # fix: PS5000A_NONE = PS5000A_RISING} PS5000A_THRESHOLD_DIRECTION; s = alias.split() alias = s[3] args.append(s[0] + ' = ' + s[2]) header_dict['enums'][enum_name] = alias, args break text = line2.split('//')[0].replace(',', '').strip() if text: args.append(text) # the struct definitions if line.startswith('typedef struct'): struct_name = line.split('typedef struct')[1].strip() args = [] for line2 in fp: if '{' in line2: continue elif '}' in line2: alias = line2.replace('}', '').replace(';', '').strip() prefix = fname.replace('Api', '').upper() if not alias.startswith(prefix): alias = prefix + '_' + alias header_dict['structs'][struct_name] = alias, args break dtype, text = line2.split() args.append([dtype, text.replace(';', '')]) return header_dict
[docs] def create_picoscope_enums_file(header_dict, picostatus_h_path): """Creates the file""" fp = open('', mode='wt') fp.write('from enum import IntEnum\n\n') aliases = [] for hkey in header_dict: fp.write('\n# ' + '*'*25 + ' typedef enum for ' + hkey + ' ' + '*'*25 + '\n') HKEY = hkey.replace('Api', '').upper() for key in header_dict[hkey]['enums']: class_name = key[2:] if not class_name.startswith('PS'): class_name = HKEY + class_name fp.write('\n\nclass {}(IntEnum):\n'.format(class_name)) alias = header_dict[hkey]['enums'][key][0] if alias not in aliases: aliases.append(alias) param_names = [] n = -1 # find max string length for the parameter NAME for value in header_dict[hkey]['enums'][key][1]: val = value.replace(HKEY + '_', '') if val[0].isdigit(): val = 'x'+val n = max(n, len(val.split('=')[0].strip())) param_names.append(val) index = -1 is_hex = False for item in param_names: if '=' in item: a, b = item.split('=') fp.write(' {} = {}\n'.format(a.strip().ljust(n), b.strip())) is_hex = '0x' in b if is_hex: index = int(b, 16) else: try: index = int(b) except ValueError: # a reference to another parameter NAME pass else: index += 1 text = item.strip().ljust(n) text_index = str(hex(index)) if is_hex else str(index) fp.write(' {} = {}\n'.format(text, text_index)) # for some reason the "typedef enum enPicoStringValue" enum definition is found in PicoStatus.h # this enum is only used by the ps4000aGetString function if 'ps4000a' in hkey: fp.write('# This enum definition was found in PicoStatus.h\n') fp.write('# It is used by the ps4000aGetString function\n') ps4000a_enum = [] with open(picostatus_h_path, mode='rt') as ps: allow_writing = False index = 0 n = 0 for line in ps: if line.startswith('typedef enum enPicoStringValue'): fp.write('\n\nclass PicoStringValue(IntEnum):\n') allow_writing = True continue if '}' in line: aliases.append('PICO_STRING_VALUE') allow_writing = False continue if allow_writing and '{' not in line: t = line.replace(',', '').strip() if t: n = max(n, len(t)) ps4000a_enum.append((t, index)) index += 1 for g in ps4000a_enum: fp.write(' {} = {}\n'.format(g[0].ljust(n), g[1])) fp.write('\n') fp.write('\nENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES = [\n') for a in sorted(aliases): fp.write(' \'{}\',\n'.format(a)) fp.write(']\n') fp.close()
[docs] def create_picoscope_structs_file(header_dict): """Creates the file""" from import ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES fp = open('', mode='wt') fp.write('from ctypes import Structure, c_int16, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_int64, c_uint64\n\n') fp.write('from import c_enum\n') fp.write('from import PICO_STATUS\n\n') aliases = {} for hkey in header_dict: fp.write('\n# ' + '*'*24 + ' typedef struct for ' + hkey + ' ' + '*'*24 + '\n') HKEY = hkey.replace('Api', '').upper() for key in header_dict[hkey]['structs']: class_name = key[1:] if not class_name.startswith('PS'): class_name = HKEY + class_name fp.write('\n\nclass {}(Structure):\n'.format(class_name)) fp.write(' _fields_ = [\n') alias = header_dict[hkey]['structs'][key][0] if alias in aliases: raise KeyError('The STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES keys are not unique: ' + alias) aliases[alias] = '{}'.format(class_name) args = [] for value in header_dict[hkey]['structs'][key][1]: arg_name = value[1] c_type = value[0] if c_type in ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES: c_type = 'c_enum' elif c_type.endswith('_t'): c_type = 'c_' + c_type[:-2] elif 'PICO_STATUS' in c_type: pass else: raise ValueError('{} {} {}'.format(hkey, value, c_type)) args.append((arg_name, c_type)) n = -1 # find max string length for the argument NAME for a in args: n = max(n, len(a[0])) for a in args: fp.write(" ('{}'{}, {}),\n".format(a[0], ' '*(n-len(a[0])), a[1])) #.ljust(n) fp.write(' ]\n') fp.write('\n') fp.write('\nSTRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES = {\n') for a in sorted(aliases): fp.write(' \'{}\': {},\n'.format(a, aliases[a])) fp.write('}\n') fp.close()
[docs] def check_enum_struct_names(): """Ensure that none of the items in ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES are in STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES""" from import ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES from import STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES for item in ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES: if item in STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES: raise ValueError('{}'.format(item)) print('The enum and struct names are unique')
[docs] def create_callbacks_file(header_dict): """Create the file""" fp = open('', mode='wt') fp.write('import sys\n') fp.write('from ctypes import POINTER, c_int16, c_uint32, c_void_p, c_int32\n\n') fp.write('from ..errors import PICO_STATUS\n\n') fp.write("if sys.platform == 'win32':\n") fp.write(' from ctypes import WINFUNCTYPE\n') fp.write(' FUNCTYPE = WINFUNCTYPE\n') fp.write('else:\n') fp.write(' from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE\n') fp.write(' FUNCTYPE = CFUNCTYPE\n\n') keys = [] ignore_GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin = False for hkey in header_dict: for key in header_dict[hkey]['functypes']: if key not in keys: keys.append(key) assert header_dict[hkey]['functypes'][key][1] in ('void', 'int16_t') args = 'None' for idx, value in enumerate(header_dict[hkey]['functypes'][key][2]): if idx % 2 == 0: args += ', ' if value.endswith('_t'): args += 'c_' + value[:-2] elif value == 'void*': args += 'c_void_p' elif value == 'int16_t*': args += 'POINTER(c_int16)' elif value == 'int16_t**': args += 'POINTER(POINTER(c_int16))' else: args += value # the GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin callback occurs twice, in ps2000.h and ps3000.h if 'GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin' in key: if ignore_GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin: continue ignore_GetOverviewBuffersMaxMin = True fp.write('{} = FUNCTYPE({})\n'.format(key, args)) fp.write('\n\nCALLBACK_NAMES = [\n') for k in keys: fp.write(" '{}',\n".format(k)) fp.write(']\n') fp.close()
[docs] def ctypes_map(dtype, hkey): from import ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES from import STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES from import CALLBACK_NAMES from import CTYPES_MAP if not dtype: return '' assert '**' not in dtype # we have not dealt with a Pointer to Pointer is_pointer = '*' in dtype if is_pointer and dtype != 'void*': dtype = dtype[:-1] c_type = None try: c_type = CTYPES_MAP[dtype] except KeyError: if dtype.endswith('_t'): c_type = 'c_' + dtype[:-2] elif dtype in ENUM_DATA_TYPE_NAMES: c_type = 'c_enum' elif dtype in STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES: c_type = '{}'.format(STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES[dtype].__name__) elif dtype in CALLBACK_NAMES: c_type = dtype # some structs in the header files do not start with PS####, try again if c_type is None: test = hkey.replace('Api', '').upper() + '_' + dtype if test in STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES: c_type = '{}'.format(STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES[test].__name__) assert c_type is not None, 'Unhandled C argument data type "{}"'.format(dtype) if is_pointer: return 'POINTER({})'.format(c_type) else: return c_type
[docs] def create_picoscope_functions_file(header_dict): """ Create the file. The lists in this file are used for creating ctypes._FuncPtr objects """ from import CALLBACK_NAMES from import STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES fp = open('', mode='wt') fp.write('from ctypes import (c_int8, c_int16, c_uint16, c_int32, c_uint32, c_int64,\n') fp.write(' c_uint64, c_float, c_double, c_void_p, POINTER)\n') fp.write('from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer\n\n') fp.write('from import c_enum\n') fp.write('from import PICO_STATUS, PICO_INFO\n\n') # import all the callbacks callbacks_import = 'from .callbacks import (\n' for name in CALLBACK_NAMES: if name.endswith('DataReady'): continue callbacks_import += ' {},\n'.format(name) fp.write(callbacks_import + ')\n\n') # import all the structs structs_import = 'from .structs import (\n' for idx, struct in enumerate(STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES): s = STRUCT_DATA_TYPE_ALIASES[struct].__name__ structs_import += ' {},\n'.format(s) fp.write(structs_import + ')\n\n\n') # write a description of what follows fp.write('# The structure for each item in a *_funcptrs list is:\n') fp.write('#\n') fp.write('# (SDK_function_name, an_alias_for_the_function_name, return_data_type, errcheck_callable,\n') fp.write('# (ctype, SDK_type, SDK_argument_name),\n\n\n') for hkey in header_dict: fp.write('# ' + '*' * 24 + ' SDK functions for ' + hkey + ' ' + '*' * 24 + '\n\n\n') fp.write('{}_funcptrs = [\n'.format(hkey)) fcns = [] for key in header_dict[hkey]['functions']: alias = header_dict[hkey]['functions'][key][0] ret = header_dict[hkey]['functions'][key][1] argtypes = header_dict[hkey]['functions'][key][2] s = '' if len(argtypes) > 0 else ' []\n' for i in range(0, len(argtypes), 2): if i == 0: s = " [({}, '{}', '{}'),\n".format(ctypes_map(argtypes[i], hkey), argtypes[i], argtypes[i+1]) continue try: s += " ({}, '{}', '{}'),\n".format(ctypes_map(argtypes[i], hkey), argtypes[i], argtypes[i+1]) except ValueError: # some structs in the header files do not start with PS####, try again t = hkey.replace('Api', '').upper() + '_' + argtypes[i] s += " ({}, '{}', '{}'),\n".format(ctypes_map(t, hkey), argtypes[i], argtypes[i+1]) # for ps2000 and ps3000 the returned value can represent many different scenarios, do not do error checking if alias in ('OpenUnit', 'OpenUnitProgress'): errcheck = None elif hkey in ('ps2000', 'ps3000'): errcheck = "'errcheck_zero'" else: errcheck = "'errcheck_api'" fcns.append("('{}', '{}', {}, {},\n{}]\n ),\n".format(key, alias, ctypes_map(ret, hkey), errcheck, s[:-2])) for val in sorted(fcns): fp.write(' ' + val) fp.write(']\n\n\n') fp.close()
if __name__ == '__main__': root = 'C:/Program Files/Pico Technology/SDK/inc/' filenames = ('ps2000' , 'ps2000aApi', 'ps3000' , 'ps3000aApi', 'ps4000Api', 'ps4000aApi', 'ps5000Api', 'ps5000aApi', 'ps6000Api') header_dict = {} for name in filenames: header_dict[name] = parse_pico_scope_api_header(os.path.join(root, name + '.h')) if 1: # print header_dict for hkey in header_dict: print(hkey) for key in header_dict[hkey]: print('{} {}'.format(key, header_dict[hkey][key])) print() #print_define_statements(header_dict) #create_picoscope_enums_file(header_dict, os.path.join(root, 'PicoStatus.h')) #create_picoscope_structs_file(header_dict) #check_enum_struct_names() #create_callbacks_file(header_dict) #create_picoscope_functions_file(header_dict) #print_class_def_signatures(header_dict) #print_common_functions(header_dict, 'ps2000aApi')